Chapter XIV

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Lugh pov

Following the path that new groups of monsters were traveling, I closed in on my quarry. Using the blood of felled orcs and goblins, I disguised my scent and kept as far out of sight as possible without losing the trail.
My approach was both daring and cautious. Getting caught now would’ve put me in the direst situation imaginable. Catching the eye of even a single monster meant dealing with an endless stream of them that would surely
overwhelm me.

It was a terrifying thought.
After running for about three kilometers, I finally found it.
The demon resembled an orc but possessed a few distinguishing features.

It was wearing armor made from a magical beast’s skin, and its body was riddled with old scars. Its white hair and long beard gave it the appearance of a grizzled veteran who’d seen many battles.

Most startling was its detached jaw. Orcs and goblins were crawling from
its gaping mouth. It was a grotesque sight, to say the least.

“That is really unpleasant to look at.”
Evidently, this was the method by which the demon was creating new

I pulled a signal flare out of my pouch. It was a special item given to those
who’d been tasked with finding the enemy army’s leader.

I lit the fuse. The end of the thing flew upward and exploded with red
light. It quite resembled a firework.
That will be visible from kilometers away. Epona should be here soon.
The problem was…

“I suppose this was bound to happen.”

Every orc and goblin in my vicinity was bearing down on me now.
The flare alerted the hero to this location, but it also broadcasted my site to the enemy. I could’ve stayed safe by launching the signal from farther away, but that would’ve meant a less accurate beacon.

To make matters worse, I couldn’t run. If this demonic, grizzled orc
moved, then this all would’ve been for naught. I had no choice but to stay and watch it.

The agile goblins closed in on me by swinging like monkeys from the
branches of surrounding trees. When the first one leaped at me, I threw a
knife at its forehead, piercing through it and two others and knocking them
all out of the air.

Thankfully, the surrounding forest limited the giant orcs’ maneuverability.

That afforded me enough time for an incantation.
The flames of my spell burned right through the orcs’ thick hides. I’d
trapped all of the heat inside the storm by increasing the spell’s precision, creating a cage to prevent any flames from escaping.

Two more orcs crumpled into smoldering piles.
“It’s like a drop in the ocean.”
There were still hundreds of monsters. Killing a few of them at a time wasn’t going to accomplish anything.

Closing my eyes, I retrieved a flash grenade and threw it at my feet.
The world was bathed in white. I used that moment to run and hide.

While the orcs and goblins tried to search for me, it didn’t seem like they were very good at sniffing out concealed opponents.

…All right, I’ll hide right here until the great hero arrives.

I moved from one obscured spot to the next, keeping an eye on the demon all the while. My discovery seemed unlikely.

Something was odd, however. The demon appeared intelligent. It
should’ve understood that my flare had been a signal for the hero. Curiously, it didn’t seem to care, though. I had to observe it carefully. The creature was definitely up to something.

As I watched, I realized monsters were returning from the front lines.

I looked closely and realized those orcs that’d come from the forefront
were carrying something. It appeared to be a big sack, and whatever was
inside it was occasionally moving.