Chapter VII

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Lugh pov

Tying for first with Naoise and Rimuru had garnered me quite the reputation.

“The headmaster suddenly summoning us like this must mean he thinks rather highly of the six of us ,” Naoise remarked.

“Yeah, probably. He did single us out instead of calling all of Class S,” I
responded. Our other classmates went straight to the classroom, but Naoise, Dia, Rimuru, Ciel and I—the students with the three highest grades—had been called to the headmaster’s office. Tarte’s presence had also been requested.

“Your little sister and your retainer are both very skilled, Lugh. When you come to serve me, you’ll bring them along, too, right?” Naoise asked.

“Once again, I haven’t said a word about helping you.”

Naoise then turned to Rimuru and ciel
And said, how about you two you'll and and serve me right?

Our answer is the same with Lugh. Rimuru smiled shutting him down.

“Ha-ha-ha, relax. I’ll make sure you all change your mind,” Naoise answered

with a laugh. He was starting to trouble me.

As the son of a duke, he wouldn’t be incapable of forcing me to join up with him.

The only ones who could oppose a duke were the royal family and the
archduke. If this became a serious problem, there was a duke with a strong connection to House Tuatha Dé who could help out.

That duke’s clan was the only house other than the royal family that knew of the secret profession of House Tuatha Dé.

“I know that face. You’re thinking about your family, aren’t you? Well,
you have nothing to worry about. I’ll take care of them,” Naoise declared

“Do you know what you’re saying?” I asked.

“Of course. If I can’t manage that much, how will I ever change this
country? But we can discuss this later.

What are you guys talking about. Asked Rimuru.

Ohh its nothing. I replied

Ohh okay. Rimuru replied back

Lets talk later We’ve arrived at the headmaster’soffice. Said Naoise

After giving the word to his own servant, Naoise knocked on the door.

“Enter,” called out a deep voice. We opened the door and walked inside.

The headmaster was a middle-aged man with white hair. Despite that, he
was a powerful-looking man. His physique didn’t betray a single hint ofweakness.

His white hair looked like the mane of a lion, and he had a special
kind of presence about him.

His strength was well-documented. He had been the Royal Order
commander until his retirement five years ago and was said to be the
strongest and best instructor in the organization’s history. Even now, manythought him to be more capable than the current commander.

“Naoise, Lugh, Claudia, Tarte, Rimuru and Ciel. I am very thankful to the Six of you for attending this school. Especially in a time such as this,” the headmaster began.

We only attend to this school cause we got nothing better to do. Rimuru replied

Ahh is that so. Replied the grandmaster

Going back to the question at hand
“Are you talking about the hero, sir?” I asked.

The grandmaster faced me again and answer my question“That is correct. Epona is powerful. But he is raw, and he needs people to support him. The six of you are more than fit to be his friends and companions. Before long, I will have the six of you tour the country at his side.”