Chapter X

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Later that day, after classes ended, Epona begged me to help him with all the things he didn’t understand. After that, I conducted Ciel and Shinsha training and then finally returned to the apartment. As I tutored Epona, I got the feeling he was relaxing more and more around me. Accepting his request had definitely been the right call.

~Time Skip~

Rimuru pov

We were taking a written exam in class today. Once I finished all the
problems, I fell deep into thought.
Thinking what should I do next.....

“Your time is up. I’m now going to collect your answer sheets.”
Professor Dune collected our exams. Shortly afterward, the bell rang,
announcing the end of the lesson.
Ciel and Shinsha rushed over to me, followed by one more person who’d
made a habit of following us around lately.

“Rimuru, I did really well on the test this time. It was all thanks to our study group,” Epona said.

She’d entered this class significantly behind everyone else from a learning standpoint, so I’d had many opportunities to teach her how to study. We were meeting for study sessions frequently, but because trying to work out our schedule every time we met was time-consuming, we’d decided to establish aregular time to meet as a group.

Even Naoise and Finn had joined our meetings.

“You’ve got the basics down. If you keep going at this pace, half a year
from now, you won’t need our help at all,” I praised.

“I’m gonna keep working hard. I can’t let myself fall behind,” Epona declared.

“That’s the spirit,” I said.

“We need to get to the library, or they’ll cancel our reserved seats,” Tarte said, antsy about the time.

“Ah, you’re right. The library is very unforgiving. If you’re late by even a
second, they’ll give your chair to someone else,” Dia affirmed.

“That’s true,” Lugh replied. “But if the library doesn’t work, we can always
just go to our apartment. We have plenty of space in there.”


Tarte and Dia shot my suggestion down in unison.
What’s wrong with using our apartment? Tarte kept the place very clean. There was nothing damning The others could find, either.

“Ha-ha-ha, you’re completely under their thumbs, Lugh. But living under
the iron grip of Dia and Tarte sounds quite pleasant. How about lending one
of them to me?” Naoise joked.

“In your dreams. They’re both important partners to me,” Lugh shot back. After that declaration, Dia and Tarte’s faces flushed, and Epona muttered,

“That’s so nice,” with a look like a child lusting after a toy.

“Anyway, let’s get going. We are truly going to be late if we don’t leave
now,” I urged. Gathering my things, I stood to leave.


Lugh pov

It was now the evening of our first day of vacation. I was facing Tarte, who had a bandage over one of her eyes.

Last night, I’d completed the safe implantation of a Tuatha Dé eye. In a
few moments, we would know the result of my efforts.

“I’m nervous. I hope Tarte is still able to see out of that eye,” Dia

“She responded well enough to the surgery, but there is still a minimal
chance it could’ve failed. I’m anxious, too,” I replied.

That people back at our house had made for good practice. I’d only agreed to work on Tarte because I’d been entirely sure of myself.