Chapter VI

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Lugh pov

Wondering how Naoise was doing, I looked over at the ring next to me.
His intense battle was still raging. Unlike me, he was using proper

Naoise was employing the royal style. It was Alvan’s most prestigious
bladework form and had been improved upon by countless instructors throughout the generations.

It tended to lean too hard into the beauty of sword fighting, but it was powerful nonetheless.

Naoise was performing it to perfection. I don’t think there were many as competent as him.

The battle seemed to be a stalemate, but Naoise was slowly gaining the
advantage. His superior mana output was making the difference. The vice-
commander was more skilled in terms of swordsmanship, but Naoise’s magical power gave him a more significant edge.

When the vice-commander ran out of mana, the battle was as good as

The vice-commander lost his physical strengthening, which threw off his
stance. Naoise saw through this immediately.

Recognizing the vice-commander’s weak grip on his sword, Naoise
delivered a decisive blow and knocked the weapon out of his opponent’s hand. He then put his blade to his opponent’s throat.

“I win.”said naoise

“I surrender. Geez, the rookies this year are no joke. The commander and we vice-commanders were all defeated… Losing puts a bad taste in my mouth, but it looks like this country has a bright future ahead of it.”

After Naoise’s match ended, the crowd burst with applause. Unlike when
I won, everyone was cheering. His victory sparked no jealousy among the students, as there was nothing unusual about a duke’s son winning.

It didn’t bother me. I had my friends support, and that was good
enough. When I won, they’d cheered for me louder than anyone else.

Naoise smiled at me. “I have no idea which of us is going to come out on

“It’ll all come down to the judges,” I said. In reality, though, Naoise had
an 80–90 percent chance of being named head of the class.

The professors preferred that kind of traditional fighting style. It would also be easier for people to accept the son of a duke as head of the class over a baron’s child and a lowly commoner.

There wasn’t much of a difference between us on the assessment, so Naoise was sure to be chosen if they decided based on opinion.


Rimuru pov

After another break, the students once again gathered at the entrance of the academy.

The gate was opened, and parents all rushed through at once. They were
eager to see where their kids ranked among the student body.

Placementaffected a noble house’s prestige.First, the rosters for all the classes except for Class S were posted. Shrieks and roars of anger sounded in response.

Some cried, some fainted, and some were even choked by their parents or
told they were being disowned.

So much for nobility. I said

Before long, the time came for the reveal of the top eight students.

A middle-aged man walked up onto a stage. He was the headmaster of the

“Greetings, everyone. It is now time to introduce the members of Class S.
I will start with the servants: Beryl, Cranta, and Tarte. I want to give special attention to Tarte, who performed well enough to place in Class S even as a general student.”

This was met with applause.

So that means you and dia are in Class  S. I said

Yeah, that confirms our stop in class S. Lugh replied

“Now, on to the students. Ranking eighth was Belruk Crutalis.”

Each student went up on stage after their name was announced, every one of them looking very proud of themselves. It meant a lot to make it into Class S.

The hero Epona was also called. He ended up in fourth. The written test
had really held him back. And then…

“These top three students are all excellent individuals who will surely
serve as leaders for this new generation. Claudia Tuatha Dé, congratulations on placing third.”

We clapped at dia for being on third

Dia was called. “See you guys up there,” she said, and she ran up to the stage.

Ciel Tempest Congratulations on placing second.

So ciel is second. T-that mean im out. I panicked.

“Lugh Tuatha Dé…”

“...Naoise Gephis...”

“ and Rimuru Tempest.

The three of you are tied on first place

W-what we're tied on first place.... Phew and here i thought i didn't make it.

A grinning Naoise clapped our shoulder, and we three headed for the stage together.

“I didn’t think we three end up on a tir. It’s a shame I couldn’t beat the two of you…but I’m delighted to see one of my men doing so well.”

“we never said we we're your man.”

“Trust me; you will be. I’ve already decided it.”This guy is ridiculous.
Amid adulation and envy, Naoise ,Lugh and I made our way to the stage.

How in the world did Naoise get to like us so much im just a commoner and lugh is a Baron's son?

We'll It wasn’t all bad, I supposed. His distinct presence was sure to keep
attention away from us. With him around, fewer people would approach us unhappy that I was having such success despite being a commoner and lugh is a baron’s son.

Regardless of how things played out, I succeeded at making it into the
same class as the hero. Now all I had to do was asked him for a 1 on 1 match. Mybe If I ask politely mybe he will accept.

To be continued

Hehehe this is the shortest chapter I had......