Chapter IX

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Rimuru Pov


The whole class looked at me then the short blue haird girl then said

Papa? Confused

Pa-Papa!!!!....the hole class screamed and looked at me and Shinsha

Ehem...Shinsha we'll talk later for now just find and seat.

And with that the instructor started our first lesson. During your two years here, you will gain the education and strength necessary to serve the Alvanian Kingdom effectively… There is one other
thing I forgot to mention. You all have obtained the best circumstances
possible for your growth. I want you to conduct yourselves appropriately, as Class S is the face of this academy.”

The students nodded, and the first lesson of the year commenced.

We began with Alvanian history. After looking at the other students, I
noticed that Epona had his head in his hands. I made a mental note to strike
up a conversation with him later by offering to help him study.


Rimuru pov

My classes were done. Our first day at school had mostly just been lectures.

“Hey, Lugh, want to get lunch at the café? The members of Class S
should build a sense of unity,” said Naoise.

“Sorry, I can’t today. Please invite me next time, though.”

“That’s too bad.”
“If Lugh isn’t going, then I’m gonna head back to the dorm, too,” Dia
declared, and Tarte nodded.

“No, you two should go. It would look bad if none of us went, so can you
both go and represent House Tuatha Dé for me?” lugh asked.

“Okay, I understand. You should do your part to get close to everyone,
too, Lugh.”Dia had grown up the daughter of a count, so she was used to the nobility’s politics. I didn’t need to spell this kind of thing out for her.

‘‘How about you Rimuru.’’ Asked Naoise

‘‘Sorry I have to talk to Shinsha, mybe some other time’'I replied

<Rimuru Shinsha and I will wait for you in the dorm>

Okay...I replied

‘‘Okay, ohh by the way is it true that Shinsha is your daughter?,’’Naoise asked with couriusity

Yeah.... I answer sweat dropped from my head

My, My your full of surprises Rimuru I hope you'll join me on my quest, said Naoise

Hehe...I'll think about it. I replied

And with that I headed to my dorm to meet up with Ciel and Shinsha.


Rimuru pov

I arrived at my dorm and knocked at  the door.

I then open the door to enter before I arrived my daughter hug me and said papa I missed you.

Ahhh, I miss you too Shinsha.I replied and hugged her back

We take a seat and have some tea.

‘‘So Shinsha why are you here and did you tell anyone that im here? ’’I asked

‘‘I just you missed Papa and Mama too and I also didn't tell everyone that your here, plss don't be Mad Papa. ’’replied Shinsha

‘‘Okay, and Im not mad at you me and your mama already knew that you will find out sooner or later’’I replied