I'm sure someone asked for a one shot around the caravan scene before. It was fairly well implied what happened in that episode. I just added a little spin on the pictures/ shoes piece of it.
"Omush, darling. They weren't able to do the lights. They're too slow. Slow. Hold on Darling, let me sit here and calm down a bit. I'm exhausted, my feet are killing me."
Omer was distracted by Defne, watching her carrying shoes around the warehouse set. They hadn't spoken since he blew up at her after learning she was checking his mail.
"Ah, darling, you know next month everyone is going to be talking about this shoot. As soon as it comes out, it's going to be a success. Listen to me, I fired that inauspicious, knock kneed thing. I took pictures of Defne instead, you need to see how brilliant they turned out."
Omer's attention was immediately caught by the mention of Defne, frowning he pulled his eyes to Koray.
"She's coquettish, but you can overlook that when someone is in the limelight."
"Wait a minute, wait a minute. What did you do?" Had he heard Koray right, he'd photographed Defne again?
Koray looked nervous suddenly. "Uh, I took pictures of the skinny girl."
"What, when did you?"
"Darling, I guess you spent too much time in the sun. You've fried your brain. I took pictures of her in the white car. Didn't you see? Uh, you were talking with Feryal then. Chattering away with her."
Omer turned his attention back to Defne. He had in fact seen the model in the white car, and he'd admired her legs and thin ankles, but he hadn't realised that it was Defne.
"Omush, tell me. What was Feryal saying? I love those kinds of conversations. She was gazing at you in pure adoration. Man hunting shameless centipede!"
"Show me the pictures please?"
Omer held out his hand towards Koray, who smiled proudly. "Right away darling. They are so pretty, very beautiful. You will love them." Koray flicked to the pictures of Defne and handed the camera to Omer. "Here you go dear."
Omer held the screen towards him, flicking through the pictures. They were almost erotic, and they sent waves of heat and lust to his groin. He blinked in surprise. She looked incredible and he very suddenly had to speak to her. Tension between them was building, they hadn't had an opportunity to be alone since the first time they'd made love at Sinan's summer house, and he felt like he was going mad with want for her.
"What do you think? She pulled it off. You know, if she gave up design and went down this route she'd go all the way. No one could hold her back, she has her own light. Ther's nothing you could do sweetie."
Koray was right, these pictures, his shoes on her feet, her legs, her beautiful porcelain skin. Defne was in another league to the models that they actually paid to do this work. Something about these pictures set his blood afire. Looking over towards Defne, he couldn't keep his eyes away from her. He wanted her, to end this fight, this distance between them. Smiling, he formulated a plan to get her alone.
As soon as Defne started to gather the boxes of shoes that they no longer needed, Omer headed to the caravans that they used to transport the shoes to the set, waiting patiently for Defne to arrive.
When he saw her approaching, he leaned back against the door with a cocky smile, preventing her from entering the van. Stopping in front of him with three boxes of shoes, she gestured to the door.
"If you'll let me past Omer." He tutted his disagreement. "Omer, please?"
"I won't."
"Is someone inside?"

Kiralik Ask / Love for Rent - One Shots
FanficThis will be a series of one shots based on events from Kiralik Ask / Love for Rent. Each chapter will be based on a scene from the series and will take the characters in a new direction. A series of what ifs and chances for earlier understandings...