Shot I

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Sai sat on a bench near Nag Nadi, thinking how fake people can be

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Sai sat on a bench near Nag Nadi, thinking how fake people can be. Fake smiles, fake laughter, fake love and fake sympathy which she gets a lot since that unfortunate day.

She never wanted to be here alone without her love. But here is she to feel him and to get lost in their beautiful memories.

"Sai?" a voice called her from behind.

"Sunny? Hi!" she got up to greet him.

"You look amazing" he complimented. Wearing a pink coloured saree and her open hair she indeed looked amazing.

"Thanks! Where is Shreya?" she asked looking around.

"You know how pregnancy hormones are, right? We left the house to come here but half way through she wanted to go back. So, I dropped her back and came here" he replied and both of them settled on the chair. Sai on her previous spot and Sunny next to her.

Sunny was her husband's best friend. He was sweet, charming, handsome and most importantly supportive. He had always supported the couple.

"I should take my leave" she said glancing at her watch.

"Sai, Ashwini Kaku called me--"

"--My answer is no and will always stay the same" Sai said rudely.

"You have a life too and you need to live it. Stop wasting it on someone who is never going to come back" Sunny tried to explain.

"Shut up! Just. Shut. Up! How can you say something like this, Sunny? You are his best friend for god sake. And yes, I am not saying yes to any man for marriage. I am happily married" saying this she left.

Sunny followed her. "You need to accept the fact that he is not going to come back" he yelled as he walked behind her. But she didn't stop on her tracks and left.

 But she didn't stop on her tracks and left

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She reached the hospital in twenty minutes. This hospital was the where she have spent her each and every night from past five years & days too for last two years . The woman on the reception smiled looking at her. Sai smiled back and continued walking.

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