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It has been couple of weeks since Virat and Sai last kissed

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It has been couple of weeks since Virat and Sai last kissed. Now they found ways to touch eachother. It was like the days when they were newly married. Occasionally touching, kissing and teasing eachother. Life was good for both of them.

"You okay?" Sai asked Virat who was nervously looking at the laptop screen.

"I don't think I can do it. I am nervous." Virat moved his fingers through his hairs in frustration.

"You have done this many times. Each mission of yours was a success. " Sai closed the file she was reading.

"I don't remember doing it" Virat said.

Sai got up from the chair she was sitting on and went near Virat.

"Look at me" she said cupping his face. "I trust you, Virat. You can do it. When you went police station & discussed about the mission details first you found everything familiar, right?" Virat nodded.

"So, once you will go on this mission you will be familiar with this as well. I am sure you will be successful as always" Sai assured.

Virat nodded but was still skeptical about his decision of accepting the mission.

"What is it now?" Sai asked sitting on her previous position.

"You should have moved on, Sai. You are such a nice woman and now you are stuck with a person like me. I mean look at me. I have not only lost my memory but also my confidence. You deserve much better."

"Okay! We are not having this conversation again. Also, about the moving on part, Virat we promised that we will never give up on eachother then, how could you think that I will leave you? And you are perfectly alright. You will gain all your confidence with time. I am with you" Sai said.

With Sai's motivation and support that day Virat agreed for the mission . He was little nervous at the start but one sentence from Sai assured him that he will do great and then there was no going back.

"Such a tiring day" Sai said as they entered the house after their visit from Sunny's house.

"You go take a shower, I will order something. No need to cook today" Virat threw his blazer on sofa and sat down.

"Ok" Sai smiled and went to change.

When she came out she saw him setting table. There were numerous boxes of packed food.

"Virat!!!!" She screamed startling him.

"Woah! Stop screaming Sai! I know your mouth is watering but can't you wait for a minute." He teased.

"Virat" She playfully hit him shoulder.

"So, tell me did you like my surprise?" He asked hopefully.

"Nah! I just hate street foods." She pouted laughing inwardly.

"I am sorry Sai. I thought that I can make you happy. I will order something else." His face fell.

She started laughing.

"Awww... You look so innocent & cute Virat" She pulled his cheeks.

"Ahh Sai! Leave me yaar... You are so irritating man !" He chided

"So, you liked my surprise?" He excitedly asked.

"Obviously!" She looked directly into his eyes. She got Lost in his deep orbs.

"Oh ! Maajhi Baiko ! Kidhar? Meri aakhon ke ocean mein ?!" He winked.

"Woh! Mujhe bohot jor se bukh lagi hai. Let's eat" She stammered.

"Ok" He chuckled.

"The food is here" he threw the plastic box in the dustbin.

"We had a bottle of coke in the refrigerator na?" He asked while setting down.

"Last time Shreya came she drank it" Sai settled down opposite to him. Virat served to both of them. Sai moaned as she took the first bite of manchurian.

"This is so good" she moaned again. Virat kept staring her. Various naughty thoughts were going in his mind. He cleared his throat and continued eating.

"Sunny told me something" he said breaking the comfortable silence between them.

"About us?" she asked and he nodded. "What?" she added.

"He told me that it's our anniversary next week." Sai kept her fork on her plate and gulped down some water.


"So what's the plan?" Virat asked.

"I haven't thought of anything yet. I thought you might get uncomfortable" she said playing with her food.

"I am absolutely fine with it. You always think about me, Sai. My happiness, my comfort, what about you?"

"Virat, I am happy if you are happy" she smiled.

"How did we celebrated our anniversary?"

"Well we celebrated our first anniversary with a big fight." she laughed.

"On our second anniversary we remarried with lots of love & respect." She remembered the old days.

"I am so sorry that I don't remember anything" Virat interwined his fingers with her's.

"It isn't your fault" Sai got up from her seat and sat on Virat's lap. Virat welcomed her with open arms. She pecked him on his lips and he hid his face in the crook of her neck.

The embraced eachother with love. Virat might have lost his memory but his love for Sai was like a tattoo. No matter what he can't erase it.

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