Shot VI

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"I want to go home" Sai whined.

"Not so soon" Sunny said focusing on the road.

"But why?" she asked the same question for nth time in the span of 15 minutes.

"God! You and your friend is exactly the same. Have some patience man" Sunny said.

Sai huffed and sat silently looking out of the window. Soon they reached Sunny's apartment. He unlocked the door and they were welcomed by the sight of Shreya sitting on the sofa and eating chips.

"Hello sexy" Shreya said with a mischievous smile.

"Hi!" Sunny said blushing.

"It wasn't for you. I was talking to my best friend" Shreya said with a frown and Sai chuckled.

"Come here" Shreya opened her arms asking Sai to hug her. Sai without wasting any time pushed Sunny out of her way and hugged her best friend.

"Happy anniversary" Shreya whispered in Sai's ears. In response Sai hugged her tightly.

"He wished you, right?" Shreya whispered. Sai shook her head.

"I haven't seen him since morning" Sai was almost on the verge of crying.

"It's okay, Sai. You should get ready now" Shreya said smirking.

"Ready? For what?" Sai questioned.

"You have to be somewhere urgently" Sunny said and entered the kitchen.

"But--" before Sai could complete her sentence Shreya stuffed her mouth with chips.

"Let's get you dressed up" Shreya said.

"Isn't it little revealing?" Sai asked looking at her bare back in the mirror.

"It's not. And damn Sai you look bomb" Shreya said eyeing her from top to bottom.

Sai wore a maroon coloured saree with a little touch of glitter on it and indeed she looked like a goddess. Her mid back lengthed hair falling freely on her back and her makeup on point.

"What's going on? Firstly, your husband kidnapped me from my office and now you are forcing me to get ready to go to god's know where" Sai sat on the edge of the bed with a thud.

"Sunny calls me drama queen. He haven't seen your drama yet" Shreya sighed.

"Ladies?" Sunny's knocked on the door. Sai opened the door so he could enter.

"You ready?" Sunny asked Sai. She nodded. "Let's go then" he said and helped Shreya to get up.

Sai sighed and followed them. On their way Sai realised that they were on their way to her home. She frowned in confusion. What were these two planning?

"Bye!" Sunny said as he parked the car infront of her house.

"All the best and do give me the details" Shreya said.

Sai got down. She was confused. They got her ready only to drop her to here. Why?

Brushing aside all her thoughts she entered the elevator. Once the elevator door opened again she took out the house key from her purse and stepped out of the elevator.

She put the key in the keyhole and tried to unlock the door. It didn't open. She tried few more time and even pushed the door thinking it might be jammed. After few attempts she realised the door was locked from inside.

Ringing the doorbell she stood there patiently. She was busy observing the plant near the gate when the gate clicked open. There stood Virat in all his glory. Wearing a baby blue button up shirt and black pants, he took away Sai's breath.

They stared eachother for a while. Sai cleared her throat once she realised she was staring. She was upset and she was going to show it to him.

"Excuse me" she walked past Virat. As she walked inside the house she was stunned. The living room was decorated with candles.

"What--" before Sai could ask anything Virat hugged her from behind.

"Happy anniversary" he whispered.

A broad smile made its home on Sai's face. She turned around and hugged him.

"Happy anniversary" she whispered and tighten her hold on him.

"You must be hungry. Come let's eat" Virat gently pulled her where he had set up the dinning table.

He pulled out the chair for her like a gentleman he was. She giggled and sat down and he settled infront of her. He opened the lid of the first container and Sai's eyes widened second time in just ten minutes.

"I cooked your favourite. White sauce pasta" Virat served her.

Sai continued staring her. "Do you remember--" she whispered.

"No, I don't. I asked Shreya" Virat replied with a sad smile.

"Hmm" was her only response.

"You look gorgeous my lady" He whispered.

"Thanks! You look handsome too." She smiled.

"Khule baal tum par bohot khub dikhte hai" He tucked her hairs.

They had light hearted conversation and had their dinner.

"Can I have a dance?" Virat pulled out his hand infront of her as she was putting the plates in the dishwasher.

"Of course" she put her hand in his and he guided her to the living room. Music was playing softly in the background.

Virat wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. She too wrapped her arms around his neck and moved closer to him. Their chests touching.

"I love you" Virat whispered in her ears and she stiffened.

"W-what?" she asked.

"I love you, Sai. I am not saying this because you are my wife but I truly love you. In the past few days I realized how beautiful person you are and how lucky am I to have you. You made me fall for you again with your love and care. I can't imagine my life without you, Sai. I have decided that I am not going to wait to recall everything. I want to move on and I want to move on with you" he said and hugged her.

"I love you too" tears rolled down her cheeks. Finally her Virat was back.

"Say that again" Virat said.

"I love you" Sai.

"I love you too" he leaned down to kiss her.

Soon his lips landed on hers and in no time they both were kissing eachother with passion. They parted to breathe but Virat took the opportunity and started kissing her neck. She moaned in pleasure.

"I love you so much my forgotten wife" and that was the last sentence spoken that night. The night was filled with moans and groans and lots of love. That night the moon witnessed the reunion of two lovers.

 That night the moon witnessed the reunion of two lovers

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