Alana's P.O.V

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Mage Studies

Alana: (Looks around) I can't believe my brothers got into another mess.

Gregory: Well they are your brothers, it could be anything.

Alana: (Nods) True. We will find out sooner or later. Right now let's just keep studying.

Gregory: You think the fire spell will work for Jimmy.

Alana: (Looks over at Jimmy) Guess we'll find out.

Jimmy: (Stands still casting a fire spell but ends up blowing up a couple of books)

Alana: (Sighs) At least he's still learning.

Arrow wizzes into the study, sticking into the wall next to Alana's head, it has a piece of parchment stuck to it

Gregory: Holy cow Alana that could have hit you..

Alana: (Looks at the arrow and carefully pulls it out of the wall and looks at the parchment reading it outloud) "Sis, come to the window and look down, we got a problem- Signed Lard"

Gregory: Why's your brother here?

Alana: I don't know. (Gets up and goes to window looking outside and by the tree's)

Gregory: (Walks over as well and pears out the window)

Lard: (Hollers from next to the tree) Alana!

Alana: (Sighs) He's lucky no guards have seen him yet. Or else he'd be dead. (Casts a spell to teleport outside appearing behind Lard not saying anything)

Lard: (Still kind of looking for Alana, knowing she likes to disappear)

Alana: (Crosses arms as kicks him out of the tree) What do you want? (Jumps down)

Lard: FUU (Lands on ground and looks at Alana) Don't do that, we've got a problem though. (Stands up)

Alana: What do you mean? I know we have a problem but with you and Sir Valentine as my brother's there is always a problem.

Lard: (Looks serious) I'm not joking. (Points at the main tower and its covered in blue fire)

Alana: (Looks where he's pointing) Umm please tell me you didn't do that.

Lard: I was doing a job when it happened, I didn't cause it though, it sounded like lightning and felt like a bull ran into it.

Alana: (Sighs) Why do I always have to clean up after you both. (Waves hand and tries to make the fire go away) Please tell me you didn't make the God of Fire mad.


Alana: (Sighs) Why me..... (Takes Lard's arm and teleports up to the top of the Tower)

Lard: (Sees contract kills corpse) That wasn't me either...

Alana: Goodness gracious Lard. Why are you always making things terrible?

Lard: (Looks at Alana) Oh be happy, I'm only getting half pay since the contract told me to throw his body off of the building to make a statement.

Alana: (Smacks his arm leaving a red mark) Lard you are so stupid. (Burns his shirt a little but then stops) Be glad you are my brother and I can't kill you.

Lard: (Rubs arm) Well you could, but father would be upset. (Smirks)

Alana: (Crosses arms as looks around the tower) What exactly did you do to make this happen? No lying either Mr.

Lard: Well... (Walks over to a desk) I slightly slit the guys throat, he was standing in front of this desk, looking at this. (Pulls out a necklace, made of silver with a red gemstone set)

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