Abandoned Millhouse

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Lard: (Walks out and looks around as sets up some target dummies) Okay now Alana try aiming for.. (Points to the middle of the sack) Right here. (Quickly moves out of the way)

Alana: (Sighs as takes my dagger and looks at the middle of the sack and throws it as the dagger lands in the wood piece below the sack)

Lard: (Looks at the dagger) Well you aimed for a leg..

Sir. Valentine: That's better than an arm though..

Lard: True. (Pulls the dagger outta the wood and walks back over to Alana) Try again.

Elizer: (Grumbles to myself as they make noises outside)

Sir. Valentine and Lard teach Alana a few basics of a dagger as a couple hours pass by and it is around mid-day.

Lard: You've gotten good, ya just gotta keep practicing Alana.

Alana: (Nods as smiles) Thanks guys.. I am going to go inside and make something to eat. (Heads inside to get some food around)

Lard: (Looks around and sits down on the stump) She's a quick learner.
Sir. Valentine: Yeah.. I forgot how quick of a learner she was. (Walks over to the small wood pile and picks up a few pieces of wood to chop up)

Lard: (Looks around the hillside of flowers and grass as sighs)

Lara: (Walks along the hillside)

Lard: (Squints a bit as notices Lara and gets up) Well guess someone decided to stop by.. (Quietly mumbles)

Lara: (Walks passed Lard ignoring the comment directly to the house and places Luna on the table) Where's Alana?

Sir. Valentine: (Walks in and looks at the owl) Umm why did you put the owl on the table?

Alana: (Walks down the broken steps carefully hearing my name carrying a few ingredients for some hazelnut soup) Someone call my name? (Almost toppling over with the stuff in my arms)

Lara: Think you can work your magic on this guild bird? (I point at the bird)

Alana: (Sets the ingredients down in a basket and looks at Luna inspecting the wound)

Lard: (Comes inside noticing Luna and looks at her) Why do you have her? (Looks at Lara)

Lara: I found the bird on my way here with an arrow in its leg, and did some basic first aid on it.

Lard: (Crosses arms as can tell she is lying) I don't believe you just "found" her. She doesn't trust anyone but Finley. Let alone let anyone pick her up or near her for that matter.

Lara: (Chuckles) It's easy to trust someone if you're bleeding to death I guess, anyways can you heal her Alana?

Alana: I actually want to know why you have her first off. I do know this bird from the guild. She would have flown straight to the guild house, where did you find her?

Lara: Why does it really matter? I said I found her on my way here!

Lard: Because I'm starting to think you are lying to us.. (Walks up towards Lara) Now answer the question, where did you find her?

Lara: Look I've used this bird to send messages to Finley regarding Elizer's health, what else do you want to know while the bird is dying?

Lard: It's stitched up I can tell. I know where this bird was heading once it went to the Guild House with Finley.. Where'd you find it along your path..

Elizer: (Grumbles as I roll off the bed hitting my wound on the floor) ARGHHHH!

Alana: (Looks over and walks over to help Elizer up and back on the bed)

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