Uncle Jack's Home

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Jack: (Smiles as looks at them) Here, let's go to the house, I have a few things you will all need and I want to give you. (Heads to the house)

Alana, Lard and Valentine: (Follows after him)

Jack: (Walks into the house and grabs a wooden box setting it on the table) These are all things your mother wanted me to give to you all when you were of age.

Lard: (Looks through it noticing it wrapped neatly in clothes with names on them so grabs the one with my name on it and opens it and notices an enchanted dagger) Wow.. This is cool.

Jack: That dagger will hit any target no matter how armored. But if the person is fast enough they can still catch it.

Sir. Valentine: (Picks up the satchel and opens it noticing a ring)

Jack: Your mother made that one specifically for you, said it'd make all that armor you are going to wear when you are a Knight be as if you aren't wearing any armor at all. All you have to do is wear it.

Sir. Valentine: (Puts the ring on and notices that all the weight is gone) Alright... This feels strange but nice.

Alana: (Looks at the satchel and debates on opening it as picks it up)

Jack: (Looks at Alana) That was your mothers Alana.

Alana: (Opens the satchel and notices a locket opening it up, noticing a picture of my father and mother on one side and me, Lard and Valentine on the other) What is the symbol on the locket?

Jack: That is the family crest. The Blacksmith hammer represents the blacksmith side, and the sword represents all the assassins. The roaring Wolf represents the strength we have as a pact.

Jasmina: (Walks up to the house and slowly opens it noticing my husband and my niece and nephews) You're all safe.. (Quickly walks over to hug Jack)

Jack: (Hugs her back and nods) Yes we're all safe.

Jasmina: (Looks at Alana and notices the necklace as smiles) Your mother wore that everyday. Here let me put it on for you. (Takes the necklace and puts it around her neck clipping it)

Alana: (Smiles as looks at the necklace)

Jasmina: (Walks in front of her) You look exactly like her now.

Lard: Well we should get going.

Jack: Have safe travels, all of you.

Sir. Valentine: (Smiles and nods) It was good seeing you again Uncle Jack and Aunt Jasmina.

Jasmina: It was good seeing you all healthy and well.

Lard: (Walks out of the house and looks around) Time to head off to Coldstone City.

Alana: I've heard of that city. (Walks out and looks at Lard) That's the city where all the assassins are right?

Sir. Valentine: How did you know that?

Alana: I heard the rumors of a noble being killed.

Lard: (Tilts head and sighs) Well she aint wrong.

Sir. Valentine: I know she ain't wrong but how does word spread that fast to the Mage Tower.

Lard: You'd be surprised. (Starts to head in the direction of Coldstone City)

Sir. Valentine: (Follows after Lard and shrugs) Guess things will hopefully be a bit better.

Alana: (Walks after them both and looks around the forest pathway then up at the stars) It's very pretty out tonight, I hardly ever get to see the stars from the Mage Tower.

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