~ One ~

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{Unknown Location, New Pacific Arcology, Titan. Unknown Date}

The guttural roars of Ogres, high-pitched cackles of Wizards, and the scratching of Thrall claws on marred metal floors and walls served as the ultimate white noise machine as the sounds of Hive activity rolled through the Arcology like waves. Or... were they an alarm clock? No telling anymore. One thing's for sure, though: where there are Thrall, there are Acolytes. Where there are Acolytes, there is food. A female Hunter made her way around, clutching her hand cannon securely in hand as she was on the hunt for her coming meal. She kept to places she could duck behind for cover, but still be able to get the needed shots to take out what she needed, and salvage what she could.

She noticed that the Hive chatter became erratic, frenzied. The Hive began... firing. They were fighting something- had the stupid Fallen broken in again? That would explain the gunshots being fired at the Hive. As the fighting got closer to the hunter, an Acolyte ducked behind cover - and stood up right next to her. She quickly took aim, and fired at it, grabbing a quick headshot, watching as it crumbled to the ground. She goes to take another peak to see if the Fallen has come in making sure to keep this Acolyte here so she could come back for it afterwards. As she peeked out, someone peeked around the corner, putting her face to face with the one opponent more - less? - predictable than the Fallen: a Warlock, wearing... what the hell was that Warlock wearing, and why did it look like a deer skull? She kinda sat there for a second in shock seeing the warlock and ducked back behind her hiding spot. Was it really a warlock or was she just hallucinating. And what the hell was up with the helmet? She shook her head a little, it had to be fake... right?

"Freya, please tell me you also saw someone wearing a deer skull" Firefly pleaded, appearing over her shoulder.

"Yeah I saw, Firefly..." she said quietly, and peered out again to see what all was in this fireteam, and if they had spotted her. Maybe they were finally getting out of here...

"Guys, you need to see this!" the Warlock called out, his voice carrying through the now-empty sliver of Arcology. Not only was this Warlock real; he had a fireteam. A Hunter wearing sleek and angular boots, and a Titan wearing a set of ACD/O Feedback Fences, were running over. They ran faster when they saw the lone hunter peek out.

Her eyes widened a bit as she saw them running right towards her feeling a mix of emotions, panic, shock, disbelief, confusion. Just to name a few. Should she trust them? She quickly moved back and sat against the wall as her mind raced. How long had she been here? Their armor looked so... different. She only recognized one piece of armor that was on the Titan but... that was it. The Hunter is the one who jumped over the chunk of wall which the female hunter was hiding behind - holy shit, the girl could bounce. She landed and got on a knee in front of her.

"You have a name, Guardian?" The hunter from the fireteam asked. Seeing the look of shock on the other Hunters face, she took her helmet off. She was an Exo, with white metal skin, pink eyes, and a black jaw. Her horn was the same color as her jaw.

She pressed her back against the wall little more, taken by surprise by the Hunter jumping over the wall, "Uhm... yeah It-It's Freya," she said stammering over her words a little.

"I'm Zoe" the other Hunter said, standing and holding out a hand. On her hip was a familiar sidearm: Enigma's Draw, the trademark sidearm of Future War Cult. Freya glanced at the sidearm, and then looked at her reaching out and taking her hand as she stood up.

"Is that a Defiant?" she asked, eyeing Freya's hand cannon. "Holy Traveler, I haven't seen one of those since Future War Cult left the Tower."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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