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//pew pew//

Jesper quickly took both of his revolvers out, aiming for the man's head, and then his chest, and then his nether region.

Obviously, the man wouldn't be gone forever, just out for a few hours. Enough time for Jesper to get the fuck outta there with Wylan.

He picked up Wylan, using a torn-off piece of his clothing to compress the wound, before bolting out of the building, grabbing the letters before leaving. If you didn't pick up on it by now, they were from Jesper to Wylan in their mortal life.


"Nina!" Jesper called when he pushed the door shut behind him using his foot.

Nina came downstairs, "Oh saints, why the hell would you go out at night? It's dangerous. Let's take him to his room and I'll work on those wounds." 

Jesper carried Wylan to his bedroom, standing beside Nina as she worked her literal magic.

"He should be alright when he wakes up, which should be any moment now. Call me if you need anything. I gave him strong painkillers, he may act a bit drunk, but he'll be fine." Nina smiled, placing a final bandage on the wound.

"Thank you," Jesper said, side-hugging her.

A few minutes after Nina had left, Wylan had woken up.

"You okay?" Jesper asked, sitting at the end of the bed.

"'M fine." Wylan was definitely drowsy. "Why are you sitting there? Sit next to me."

Jesper raised an eyebrow but listened to Wylan, who then leaned against Jesper.

"We should date." Wylan slurred, reaching up to kiss Jesper.

"Wylan, we're not gonna do this, okay? You're high on meds, I don't want you to do something you'll regret." Jesper pulled away and stood up, tucking Wylan in.

Wylan frowned, trying to squirm out of the blankets, but eventually giving up and falling asleep instead.

"Saints." Jesper shook his head and left the room.

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