Chapter 4

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Hellooooo! As you know, friday is update day, but this friday I wasn't in the mood. So sunday is update day, if I do not update on friday. So here finally comes a new chapter. I wrote one on moday, but then my internett was down, soooo... but here it comes. I had to write quick, cause I'm going to my bestfriends bithday! 

«If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands» Louis sang silent, and I giggled while clapping.

“I never understood why we had to sing that in elementary school… I mean, if you weren’t happy… I mean, they said you had to clap” I said, and Louis looked at me with big eyes.

“Could someone not be happy while singing that song?” he asked, and I nodded.

“Oh my god, yes! It’s so annoying!!”

He smirked and I face palmed myself.

“IF YOU’RE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT CLAD YOUR HAND” he sang loudly while clapping so loud I almost got a heart attack.

“Louis, chill your arse!!” I hissed and grabbed his arm. He laughed.

“Excuse me, but you two have to leave! We’re going to close” a man said, as he sent Louis a death glare.

“That’s nice of you, period man” Louis mumbled, and I had to bite my lip so hard to not laugh.

I got up and dragged Louis up with me. Louis gave the man some money before we ran out of Nandos and up the street to my house.

“Louis, tell me your best checkup line!” I said as I grabbed a leaf from a three. He giggled.

“There’s many thing in this world to smile about, but you are my favorite thing” he said in a posh accent.

I laughed.

“But if you just met a girl, and you want her to… I don’t know, notice you more”

“Are you mixed? Half European and half angel?”

“So you’re saying you’re just checking up European girls?” I asked, and he took a step closer to me.

“I’m saying I only have an eye for one European girl” he said, while his arm touching mine for a second.

I didn’t know what to answer, so I just nodded and blushed. Because that’s just the awkward girl I am.


I woke up to a hot breath hitting my face. I opened my eyes, and stared right into Nialls ice blue eyes. I screamed and punched him away.

“OMG NIALL YOU BITCH” I breathed heavenly.

He laughed out loud.

“I’m sorry hun, but I have nothing to do… and you’re wearing my sweatpants!” he said while pointing to my feet’s.

I looked down and blushed. When I and Louis came home yesterday, we were so knocked out; we just fell on the floor in deep sleep.

“Well, I’m sorry Niaaaaall” I sang while stripping his sweats of.

I runned up to the bathroom and locked the door. I didn’t want anyone to come in while I showered. That would be awkward. Yes, it would. I stripped my PJ of and stepped into the hot water. Oh god how I love hot water. I washed my body with a sweet sent body wash. I turned the water of and stepped out of the shower. I dried my body with a towel before taking on my fresh underwear. I brushed my hair and my teeth before I got on some skinny denim jeans, and a grey sweater. I took on my pink scarf and some mascara, before I headed down to the others.

“Hey there!” I said as I sat down in the sofa, in the middle of Ed and Liam.

“Hey Juliet” Liam said and smiled cutely, I grinned.

“What do you guys want to do today?” I asked and put my legs on the table in front of the sofa.

“I could need some shopping, what about you guys?” I rushed over to Niall, “I’m going on shopping with Nialler” I said.

“Me and Louis too, we could need some new sweaters” Harry said and dragged Louis with him. I nodded my head and sent Liam and Ed a asking look.

“I’m going to the studio, will you join me Liam?” Ed asked, and Liam nodded.

“Well, then shopping it is guys” I cheered to the four that was joining me and skipped out of the room.


“Whats first?” I asked, but I just ended up laughing. The boys looked like shit. Niall and Harry had fake mustaches and hats, while Louis had big sunglasses and a big hoodie. They had tried to talk in American accent a while, but failed big time.

“Stop laughing, I bet we look super-hot” Harry hissed and I laughed ever harder. If there was someone who doesn’t suit a mustache, it was Harry.

“Noooo!!” I laughed.

I almost fell on the ground laughing my ass off, but Louis picked me up and carried me over his shoulder.

“LOUIS! Put me down, I’m so heavy!” I said while hitting him on the bum.

“WHAT? You weight nothing!” he said, “And can you please stop hitting my ass? It’s disturbing”.

I stopped and blushed; I knew what he ment with that.

“Ehm, one, GROSE!! Two, you’re just saying that to make me feel better”

Ha put me down and grabbed my face with his hands, “Listen” he said and looked straight into my eyes. Or, I think he did. It was hard to tell because of the big glasses he wore.

“Your perfect” he said while cupping my cheeks, “Understood?”  I nodded.

“Good” he said with a big smile.

He let go of my face before running into a shop while giggling like a little kid.

I felt my cheeks turn dark pink.

“If you two are done flirting without knowing it, can we shop now?” Harry said and put his hand on his hips like a teenage girl while making a duck face.

I hit his arm and blushed even more.

“YES” I yelled and walked into the shot after Louis. I felt like a babysitter there and then.


“LOUIS! Where the fuck are you?” I asked while searching behind a shelf.

“BOOO” someone said and put their hands on my hips. I screamed and turned around. Louis was laughing, but still holding his hands on my hips. I sent him my best death glare while slapping his hand away.

“Wow, someone’s angry?” he asked in a playfully voice.

“Yes” I said coldly.

“Let me make it up to you” he said and I raised my eyebrow.


Louis cut me off by kissing my cheek and smacking my bum, before running of again. He was so childish sometimes. But, it was fun, I think… Or maybe it was just the fact that I could be almost as childish as him? Naah, fuck it.

I'm going to update on wendsday, so stay turned for that! Please wote and comment! If you want me to check out your fan fic, just messege me!!


Ps: Check out my bestfriend Christins fan fic!! 

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE WOTES AND READS, IT MEANS SO MUCH. HOLY HEFFALUMP!! I checked my reads today and were like "OMG", thank you thank you thank you!!

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