Chapter Twenty Six

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*Jen's POV**Week Later*
I smiled at my beautiful wife, sleeping in the passenger seat. We're on our way home from the airport. Colby's asleep in the backseat. We had to shoot some scenes in LA, so now we're on our way home. It's almost 2 am and we're about an hour away from home. Lana woke up and squeezed my hand. I smiled. "We're almost home." I said. "Good." She said and looked around. I stopped at a red light and waited. It turned green and I started going. "Fuck! Jen!" Lana screamed as another car crashed into my side and everything went black. I woke up later in a hospital room. I heard beeping, which I'm assuming is the heart monitor. I squinted my eyes as I felt a sharp pain in my left hand. I looked down and saw a tan cast on my hand, extending to my elbow. I sighed as the doctor came in. "Ah, Mrs. Morrison, you're awake." He said. I nodded. "Well, you're in luck. You took most of the impact, your wife has very minor injuries and your daughter is mostly unharmed, just a few cuts." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "You had a 90% chance of dying." He said. My eyes went wide. "What day is it?" I asked with a raspy voice. "Friday. You were out for a week." He said. I closed my eyes. "You were hit by a drunk driver. He was convicted of murder and will serve a life sentence." He said. My heart started beating extremely hard. "B-but I thought we were fine." I said. He sighed. "Mrs. Morrison, your wife lost her baby." He said. Then, everything hit me. I lost it. Sobs ripped from my dry throat. Lana rushed in the room and I felt her arms wrap around me. "Shh. Baby, everything will be okay." She said. I couldn't say anything. My baby boy. She kissed my temple and I began calming down after a while. "Okay. Uh, mrs. Morrison. You have a cracked skull, but we did surgery on the first day, so you'll be fine. Then, your left hand and wrist were completely shattered, so we did surgery on that as well." He said. I nodded and he left the room. "Are you okay?" I asked and looked at Lana. She smiled and nodded. "We will be okay." She said. I sighed. There's a bruise and several small cuts on her face. My eyes traveled down her body and stopped on her stomach. Her pregnant belly was gone and a few tears slipped from my eyes. "I had to deliver him." She said. I looked up into her eyes and she smiled weakly. "Don't worry baby. I'm okay." She said. I sighed. "Lana, I'm so sorry." I said. She smiled. "Baby, it's okay. It's not your fault. We just need to hug Colby a little tighter. She's upset." She said. I nodded. "Where is she?" I asked. She sighed. "She won't leave the waiting room." She said. I nodded. "Mrs. Morrison?" I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw a doctor. "We're going to keep you to monitor your injuries for about a week." He said. I nodded and Lana squeezed my hand.
It's been a week. Two weeks since Lana lost the baby. I have to wear the cast on my arm for 3-5 more weeks. They took the gauze off my head 3 days ago and I have a small scar on my forehead. This honestly is torture. We're home now, but it's not the same. We should be having a baby, but instead, we're mourning the loss. Today's our first day back at work. I put on jeans and a hoodie, then waited on Lana to get ready. I pulled out my phone and opened my texts between Lana and I. I went back 8 months.
J- Can't we just talk about this?
L- We've done plenty of talking.
J- Don't do this. You know how much you mean to me.
L- I'm not having this conversation over texts.
J- Then I'll come back.
L- No.
J- You're acting like a child.
J- Please answer me.
J- Lana, I love you.
J- I can't take this anymore. This, unbearable, deafening, excruciating silence and isolation.
J- Lana Parrilla, I am literally begging you to hear me out.
L- Goodbye Jen.
My phone was snatched from my hand and I looked up to see Lana with a disapproving look. "Jen, why do you do this to yourself?" She asked. "What are you talking about?" I asked. She put my phone on the nightstand, then sat beside me. She wrapped her arms around me, quickly pulling me into her embrace. I sighed. "You always go back and read the texts from when we broke up." She said. I sighed again. "Why?" She asked. "I hated how desperate I felt." I said. She kissed my forehead. "You're not desperate anymore. We're married now. We have everything we want." She said. I smiled. "Well, not everything." I said and put my hand on her stomach. She put her hand over mine and released a sigh. "Where's Colby?" I asked. "She's staying home today. She has therapy later." She said. I nodded. "Have you thought about couples therapy? I think it might be good for us. You know, losing the baby, we both probably have some pretty pent up feelings." She said. I nodded and we walked to the car. Lana has to drive because of my hand. "How are you feeling today?" Lana asked and drove toward set. "Headache. But, that's going to be normal for awhile I guess. My hand kinda hurts, but not bad." I said. "We'll get you some Tylenol when we get to set baby." She said. I nodded. "How are you feeling?" I asked. She sighed. "My stomach kinda hurts. But, I'm okay." She said. I nodded. We got to set and got out. Lana moved to my right, so she could hold my hand. I smiled and we walked to the group meeting place. I sighed as we neared the group, knowing we had to tell them about the baby and the wreck. "Lana! Jen! We missed you!" Eddy shouted. I felt my head pound and I smiled weakly. I could see people's mouths moving, but I couldn't hear them. My breathing quickened and I began seeing black spots. I squeezed Lana's hand and she looked at me funnily. "Jen.. Are you okay?" I heard as she put her right hand on my cheek. I blinked a few times, then nodded. What the hell just happened? "So, we heard about the wreck. The report included a fatality? But you two are here and the man responsible was convicted.." Adam said. I took a deep breath and looked at Lana. She had tears building in her eyes and she looked at the ground. "Oh shit." Sean said. I looked up at him and he looked at Lana's stomach. "We lost the baby." I said, barely louder than a whisper. I squeezed Lana's hand and looked at her. She seemed to be okay... How is she taking this all so well? "That's awful." Ginny said. I nodded. Everyone was apologizing.. But it was none of their faults. Sean and Colin approached us. Sean hugged Lana and I felt my blood boil. Colin hugged me and I calmed down a little. "I'm so sorry love." Colin said. I nodded and his arms tightened around me. "Lana, what are we going to do?" Sean asked. I raised an eyebrow. She was still hugging him. I'm still hugging Colin. "We are not going to do anything. My wife and I will get through it. You knew that you would have nothing to do with his life, and that doesn't change because he's dead!" She spit, sounding much like the Evil Queen. Jealousy was probably playing in. I pulled away from Colin and grabbed Lana's hand with my right hand and began dragging her towards the trailers. We got to hers. "Jen! Let go of me!" She shouted. We got in the trailer and I pushed her against the wall, kissing her, hard. Our bodies pressed together. I pulled away after a few minutes, breathing heavily. She smirked. "Jealousy must look good on me." She said. I smirked. "Everything looks good on you.. But your clothes.... Look better... Off." I said. She gave a short laugh. "Later." She said. I smiled. "Is that a promise?"

Hey guys!
Just letting you know, I don't know how much I'm going to be able to update over the next few days.
My grandma and my friend, Dylan, both died yesterday and I'm struggling.
The funerals are coming up, so it might be some time before I can update again.

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