The crunchy snow paves a carpet of a smooth road for the carriage. What would otherwise be bumps and jolts with every dip and clatter of the wooden seats becomes a sensational ride of comfort, albeit a longer journey.
The boy has nothing to do and no one to talk to. He simply stares out, talks to himself, and sleeps.
Jay passes me a mask and a scroll, one to conceal my identity and the other a message.
The message, to summarise, states that Julius is garnering support rapidly in his fight for the throne. What he needs the most right now is protection and he urgently needs my help.
After reading the scroll, I burn it into ashes.
I lean closer to Jay and ask softly. "Is the driver a native of Icaris?"
"Seems so. He transports travellers and goods across the borders frequently and has a good reputation, according to the locals."
I put a finger on my lips and grab Jay's hand. I open his hand and convey a warning word with my finger: Quiet.
Jay nods.
We stay silent for the rest of the peaceful journey. In the end, the transaction between the coachman and Jay proceeded without trouble.
Jay hands the coachman two silver coins and they both part with smiles.
His smile fades when the carriage gets far enough.
"So, what was that about?" Jay asks.
"...You don't need to know."
Jay furrows his brow and looks away. He starts to leave. "Alright, this way."
I glance back at the carriage shrinking into the horizon.
When I first arrived at Icaris, I sensed the same energy from that Iron Peak monster in many Icaris inhabitants, but in a very minuscule amount.
...I have to investigate it after I'm done.
When I follow Jay, I touch my face, thinking it's a good time to use "that". After I bribed the boy with some candy, he taught me one basic technique that is extremely useful. It does not require mana; It only requires muscle flexibility and practice. The act involves shifting the muscle structure of my face, changing my gaze and my general look.
However, I can't sustain it for a long time. Dejected, I retreat to the mask provided.
We come across more subordinates of Julius, who prepared two horses for us.
"Is that man our backup?" One subordinate asks Jay.
Jay nods and mounts a horse. "How is our liege?"
"We lost contact with him three days ago at the Trentechas Forest."
Jay widens his eyes. "Let's go! Hurry!"
They quickly ride off, leaving me behind.
"Trentechas forest..." I mumble
It is in the northern region of Darto; We are in the east.
I look at the boy who had the same idea as me. We release the extra horse into the wild before running on foot. Our speed zooms past the galloping clouds and leaves them in the dust.
Julius should be taking the graduation examination for Akatski Academy. The final component involves a group practical evaluation of decision-making paired with combat prowess. Each group is assigned a different objective and invigilator who secretly accompanies and grades the group.

A Background Character's Fate
Fantasy"In war, commoners are the victims in victory or defeat." Struck by poverty amidst a long and devastating war, an ordinary mercenary dies among the countless corpses on a snowy battlefield. Yet by a stroke of luck, he regressed to his younger self...