One-Word Prompts

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Hi guys! It's Maya (or paperxvalentines) :)

I've got this new idea for a book and I wanted to know you guys' opinions. Okay, so it's gonna be Cake, obviously, but it's gonna be like a request book.

I used to do this on my imagine blog on tumblr (it's eemageenation if any of you are interested), and basically I call them One-Word Prompts. Okay, so you basically comment a word or a tiny phrase like “candy” or “horror movie night” and I'll write a short one-shot based off of it! I've kinda been in a really unmotivated, unproductive slump right now and I think these would be really helpful. Okay, that might sound selfish, but you guys get cute Cake drabbles out of it!

I guess it's like a one-shot book but a lot looser, more open to interpretation really. If you go on my Tumblr, you can find some examples of those :)

Does this make sense? And if yes, would any of you be itnerested in reading these tiny little one-shots? :)

-Maya xx

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