Chapter 8:Cleaning!

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Next day Benjamin and I nail up a memorial for Spar at the Tiger enclosure.

"That looks good, buddy. You in your prime. You would have done the same for me. Why not?" Benjamin whispers and walks away but I stay behind, admiring Spar's picture.


"Woah! Look at that Rosie!" I say and point to the peacock egg that is hatching. She smiles brightly and runs in to get Benjamin and Dylan.

Dylan and Benjamin come out to watch them hatch.

"Did you give them all names, Rosie?" Benjamin asks.

"Mhm" Rosie replies cheerfully.

"Which one's that one right there?" Dylan points to one and asks. 

"Lucy. Wait, not Lucy. Peaches!"

"Peaches. How do you keep them all straight?" Benjamin asks her.

"You have 3 named Peaches." I tell her and she giggles.

Just then Duncan, Benjamin's brother, comes up in his car.

"Will somebody get the tranq gun, my brother just can't take 'no' for an answer" Benjamin says.

"Not why i'm here, Bro." Duncan says while taking his sunglasses off. "I talked to MacCready. Hello, children. I asked him if you guy's needed any help. In the trunk of this car is haddock. 200 pounds worth." He says and pops open the trunk, revealing the large white case of haddock in it. "For Bruno." 

"Buster." I correct him.

"Whatever." he says kind of hostile.

"Are you serious?" Benjamin asks.

"No. Serious is the smell in that car." He says and him and Benjamin continue to talk as they go check out the Haddock while Dylan, Rosie, and I continue to watch the peacocks.

Buster was happy when we gave him the fish. 


After I was done feeding Buster, I went to help out everybody to get this place clean for tomorrows inspection.

I helped Lily sweep and I helped Mom clean the windows.

"How are you doing?" Mom asks since she hasn't seen me since yesterday when I was crying with Dylan. 


A little while after I fell asleep yesterday on Dylan's lap he fell asleep too. Then we were both woken up by Mr. Mee knocking at the door. It was nightfall and Benjamin came looking for Dylan. 

We woke up like this:

After that Dylan went home and I went back to sleep in my bed

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After that Dylan went home and I went back to sleep in my bed.


"Yea, I'm okay." I say to her.

"Okay. Did Dylan take you home?" She asks

"Yea. He stayed for a while with me." I tell her and she raises her eyebrows at me.

"And what did you two do?" She asks accusingly.

"Mom! we're 14! And we're not together. We're just friends!" I say to her.

"You didn't answer me" She laughs. 

"I showed him around the house, then we fell asleep on one of the couches in the library until Benjamin came looking for him" I tell her. I leave out the part about us cuddling. I don't know how she'd react to it and I don't really want to find out right now. 

"Okay" She says with a relieved laugh.

We finish cleaning the windows and then the guys start putting up the the new sign. They have a sign with a drawn tiger on it. It looks really cool. 

"Where'd the Tiger drawing come from?" I ask Dylan who is standing beside me.

"Me." He states humbly.

"Wait serious?" I ask in amazement.

"Yea." he says and looks at me. I mean I knew he was good at drawing, but i've never seen anything he's done that isn't dark and gruesome.

"That's awesome!" I tell him

"Yea, I guess." he says, shrugging. He's too humble for his own good. 

"Love the new logo. She's a beaut." Mom says. I nudge Dylan's shoulder,

"Told ya!" I say and he laughs. 


"Alright, Goodnight, Emilee Hart!" Dylan,who has walked me home in the dark, says. 

"Goodnight, Dylan Mee!" I say back and he starts to walk back to his house and I close the door and get ready for bed but don't get much sleep because I'm nervous for tomorrow. I hope it all goes well.


Well its kinda a short chapter.. I still think it's cute tho. 

Oh! And I finally told you Emilee's last name! I also put it it the description becasue why not? 

Get the refrence lol.

I was thinking last night and I remembered that  I had another Five Hargreeves x reader story! But I deleted it 😢 Idk if theres a way I could get it back bc this was many many months ago.

Anyways, Have a great night/day!


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