Epilogue <3

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Later that day after we had closed our gates Dylan and I made the rounds of feeding the animals together. 

"All right, that's all the animals except for the tigers." Dylan sighed and took my hand while we walked to the tiger's enclosures. 

"I still can't believe you guys got a baby tiger." I say with a laugh.

"We'll I knew it would make you happy and my dad agreed." Dylan says with a laugh and starts swinging our intertwined hands.

"We'll it did. Very much so." I say. He smiles over to me and I blush and look down at my feet.

"How were we so lucky to find each other?" He asks sincerely.

"We were just two lonely souls trying to find something to cling to." I say after I gave it some thought.

"And then we found each other." he finishes and puts his arm around me and I hug his waist while we walk to the tiger enclosure.

We get there and all the adults are in the indoor enclosures while the baby, Simon is lounging around by himself outside. 

I make sure that none of the adult tigers are outside and then open the gate and walk in, Dylan walks in behind me and closes and locks it behind him.

 We walk over to the rock slowly, Spar's rock, where Simon is laying.

Once I realize he's comfortable with Dylan and I slowly reach my hand out for him to sniff it. He does and nudges my hand with his head. I start to caress his head and he chuffs softly at me. 

Dylan hesitantly reaches out his hand and Simon sniff it and then nudges his head into his hand, like he did me. Dylan laughs and continues to pet him. 

"I didn't know that a tiger's fur was soft!" Dylan exclaims.

"It's softer than Solomon's." I say. "I don't know if Solomon would let you pet him though..."


The End!

Wow! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it!

Finally you got to see why I named it "Two Lonely Souls"! They were just two lonely souls...

I'm have an idea for another Dylan Mee fanfic but i'm super busy at the moment with my other stories so idk if or when i'll get to it. 

As always, pls do lmk what you thought about this!

Anyway, Have a great day/night! 

I hope to see you on another one of my stories! 

My other stories include:

Blondie(Newt from the maze runner)

Wolfboy (Seth Clearwater from the twilight saga)

I Love You More (Five Hargreeves)

Co-stars (Aidan Gallagher)


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