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       Yeonjun slowly fluttered his eyes open to be met with a pair of glowing orange eyes staring at him. The older boy jumped, causing Beomgyu to laugh all while gaining the attention of the other three boys.

"Are you alight?" Beomgyu finally asked after he had calmed down," I was told to watch and protect you while you were passed out."

"Passed out?" Yeonjun looked at him confused, "What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember? Seokjin said you passed out after hearing that announcement they made."

"What announcement?" Yeonjun looked around the room, everyone looked concerned.

"The one where they said that they wanted to execute you," Soobin bluntly stated.

Yeonjun stared at the tall boy in disbelief as the memories from earlier today rushed back into his mind.

"They're going to kill me?" Yeonjun quietly spoke to himself. His throat felt dry, and his heart was jumping out of his chest as realization hit him. The purple district sends their announcements to everyone, not just the purple district. Even if he manages to escape and go back home, his family; his family; his classmates; they are all going to want them dead. He laughed nervously as the tears began to roll down his cheeks. "What am I supposed to do?"

Kai sat down next to him and pulled him into an embrace. He doesn't know Yeonjun very well, but they have been together the longest and wanted to be there for him like how he has been there for Kai. Yeonjun cried into his shoulder while Kai drew circles into the older boy's back.

"Why are you crying?" Soobin asked, "You should have expected this to happen when you escaped; especially after you saw what they were doing to me."

"Why are you being so insensitive?" Kai was quick to snap back, "Whether he expected it or not it's still terrifying to have the entire population trying to kill you."

Yeonjun didn't say anything and just hugged Kai tighter.

Soobin also didn't say anything and walked away. Beomgyu got up and followed him. Taehyun on the other hand stayed next to Kai and Yeonjun, feeling a pang of guilt for their fight they had when they first got here. He never realized how scared Yeonjun was too.

Once Yeonjun had calmed down he pulled away from Kai and wiped his eyes. Kai asked if he needed anything and Yeonjun asked if he could get him a glass of water. Kai nodded and went upstairs to retrieve it for him.

Taehyun decided now that it was just the two of them it would be the best time to try to talk to Yeonjun, "Hey."

"Hey," Yeonjun tried his best to smile at him, but it was a lot weaker than it normally is.

"I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry."

"For what?"

"Well for starters punching you," Taehyun lightly laughed, "But also for being selfish. I lashed out at you because I was scared. I lost everything and I was upset, but I realize now that you feel the same way I felt. All of us do."

"It's okay," Yeonjun nodded, "We're all in the same boat."

"You're right but I wish I realized sooner," Taehyun admitted, "I have a lot of ambition, obviously, but you really do amaze me. You went out on a whim because you wanted to do this and despite all of the adversities that come your way, you still keep pushing with a smile on your face. That's admirable."

Yeonjun looked at him confused, "You think so?"

"Of course!"

"Well, if I'm being honest lately-"

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