What is a Color?

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The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects light.

This sensation is called color.

As the five boys looked around, that sensation that they were once so fond of was now nowhere to be found.

"What is this?" Beomgyu asked, obviously scared. "I thought the outside world was supposed to be better."

"I mean, there was a probability of it being better," Kai said, "But I was never given the opportunity to sit down and calculate it properly. I was kind of forced to run," Kai glared at Yeonjun. "Looks like the answer was a zero percent chance."

Taehyun looked around terrified as Soobin helped him sit down in a way to not hurt his injury.

"This isn't what I remember," Soobin stated, not showing any sort of emotion.

"I-I trusted you guys! You made me believe that there was something more to look forward to," Beomgyu looked down at his hands, "Look at what I did for you guys!"

"You don't deserve this," Kai frowned at Beomgyu, "None of us deserve any of this."

"I had everything I needed in my district," Beomgyu appeared utterly defeated, "Why was I so greedy or stupid? I want to go home."

"You're not greedy or stupid," Kai grabbed his hand to try to comfort him, which made the older flinch. "You just believed in Yeonjun."

Yeonjun stood there and watched all of his friends turn on him. Even Kai, who he felt the closest to.

He couldn't blame any of them though. This is not what anyone thought was going to happen- not even Yeonjun expected this.

Despite everything, Yeonjun turned and smiled at Soobin, "We're going to find the outside world you talked about. I know it."

Soobin looked as if he was starting to not believe it either. He just pursed his lips and nodded at Yeonjun.

That's when Yeonjun noticed something odd.
Soobin's eyes were no longer blue.

He looked around at everyone and noticed everyone's eyes were now a different color.
One he didn't know the name of.

Yeonjun pointed a finger under his eye. What color are my eyes?" he asked Soobin.

"Uh, brown."

"Brown is tree color?" Yeonjun pondered for a moment, "What could it mean that my eyes suddenly became the color of the trees?"

"What are you talking about?" Soobin tilted his head, "Everyone's eyes have been brown the whole time."

Yeonjun started to question his entire existence, "My entire life I thought they were yellow."

"Oh my bad," Soobin nervously chuckled, "I forgot this is the first time you're seeing everything outside of the lens."

Yeonjun looked even more confused, "What lens?"

"Well you know how color becomes visible right?"

Yeonjun shook his head which surprised Soobin. He thought everyone knew. He learnt that in fourth grade.

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