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"That was really good Tae, but there's two lines you sang before the last chorus that sounded a bit off. Do you know what I'm talking about?"

Taehyun made eye contact with his producer, Mr. Lee, through the glass and nodded. He sang them well, but Taehyun believed that he needed to put in a bit more emotion.

"Can you sing those two lines for me one more time?"

"Of course," Taehyun cleared his throat and licked his lips, bringing them close to the ruby colored microphone in front of him.

"Ready?" Mr. Lee asked.

Taehyun gave him a thumbs up before placing his hands over his headphones.

His producer started to count down, "Three, two, one."

Taehyun closed his eyes as he let himself engulf in the music as he prepared to sing his lines, "No one else will do, and I'm telling you. Just put your heart in my hands. Promise it wo-" The music cut off and Taehyun snapped his eyes open to give his producer a confused look.

The man laughed at the boy's reaction, "I only said those two lines."

"Right," Taehyun softly smiled at him, "I guess I got carried away."

"I would too if I was that talented," Mr. Lee complimented Taehyun and his small smile grew into a grin, "I think that's a wrap for today."

Taehyun gasped, "Really? It feels like we just started though."

"We did, but you sang everything perfectly," Mr. Lee opened the door for Taehyun and motioned for him to come out.

"O-okay," Taehyun walked out of the booth and pulled his headphones down and around his neck.

"You have to be the most talented singer I've worked with," Mr. Lee stated, still in a bit of shock due to how fast they finished.

"I know," Taehyun smirked.

"So, what do you plan to do with the rest of your day?" Mr. Lee asked as he turned off the equipment, "If I were you, I'd try to get in some extra rest."

Taehyun shook his head, "That's a waste of a day."

"What are you going to do then?"

"Is your daughter here?"

Mr. Lee's expression quickly dropped from delighted to annoyed, "You need to leave Chaeryeong alone."

"It's been almost a year since we've started dating," Taehyun chuckled, "You need to accept it."

Mr. Lee ruffled the boy's hair, making the younger scrunch up his nose, "You'll understand if you ever have a daughter."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to give you a beautiful granddaughter," Taehyun teased.

Mr. Lee's face started to resemble the color of a chili pepper, "You're pushing it Kang." Taehyun couldn't help but laugh and Mr. Lee sighed, "To answer your question, Chaeryeong isn't here. I believe she's out with her friends."

"Ah okay," Taehyun smiled and waved at the man, "I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Lee."

After being led out of the building, Taehyun started to walk down the sidewalk with no particular destination in mind. The weather was really nice today. He shut his eyes as he allowed the breeze to hit his face as he listened to the cardinals sing their tunes. Taehyun was so entranced by their melody that he had almost forgotten about-


Taehyun pulled out his tomato-colored phone and dialed her number.

She answered almost immediately, "Hey Taehyun," her sweet voice never fails to put a smile on his face, "I thought you would still be at the studio."

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