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        Tick, tick, tick, tick.

The slight noises from the clock were the only thing Beomgyu could focus on. He impatiently tapped his pumpkin-colored pencil on the desk as he watched each minute pass. Beomgyu should be focusing on his physics test, but he couldn't help but let his mind wander back to the clock. It's not like it really mattered because he was bound to fail this test anyways.

"Beomgyu, cut it out," his teacher instructed, not raising an eye from her computer screen.

Beomgyu tightened his grip on his pencil as he stopped the motion in mid-air, "How do you know it's me if you didn't even look?"

The teacher shushed him, "Tests are still out."

"Yeah," Beomgyu scoffed, "Sorry," he slung his bag over his shoulder and walked over to her desk to turn in his half-completed test.

"And where do you think you're going?" she furrowed her brows, "Class isn't over yet."

"I don't care," Beomgyu simply replied, "I'm tired and going home."

"So, you're just going to leave?" she stood up from her desk, obviously annoyed, "Not everyone has the same education opportunities as you do. You're supposed to be grateful!"

Beomgyu just shrugged as he headed towards the door and could feel the eyes of almost all of his classmates glued to him.

"You're of age now and if you keep acting like that you're going to go to the gray zone!"

"They don't scare me," he turned back around to face his teacher and cocked an eyebrow, "If I'm supposed to be grateful for being in such a boring class shouldn't you be grateful for having such an interesting student?"

The teacher made her way from out of her desk and over to where Beomgyu patiently waited for her. Her apricot-colored dress dragged on the floor and the packed on matching eye shadow made her gaze even less intimidating, "Are you trying to get suspended? I'll report you to the school board and if you keep up this attitude, I won't hesitate to report you to the purple district."

Beomgyu held his hands up in defense and rolled his eyes, "I'm so scared." Beomgyu couldn't even count the number of times she threatened to suspend him, and it never happened and now she's going to tattle to the purple district? Yeah right.

"That's it!" she snapped, "I'm going to-"

She was cut off by Beomgyu closing the door after exiting the classroom.

Beomgyu walked down the hallway and rolled his eyes as he replayed the scene that just occurred in his head for the tenth time since he left. "Stupid crone," he muttered to himself. Beomgyu couldn't wait for school to end so he could go visit his best friend and help him run his small flower shop. He always feels bad for Beomgyu's efforts and tries to pay him buy Beomgyu refuses. Just being around the guy is all Beomgyu needs. Sure, Beomgyu has a few other friends, but this guy is special.

Beomgyu sighed, he could leave now but there's cameras by the entrance and he couldn't risk getting caught again. That would be his second suspension.  Beomgyu doesn't like talking about how he received his first.

He decided it would be best to just wait things out and headed to the nearest bathroom. Beomgyu took a minute to observe its trashy appearance. You'd think a school full of kids who are supposed to be thankful would try to take better care of their surroundings.

The honeysuckle-colored wallpaper was peeling and there were a few holes in the wall. He also noticed some graffiti scattered all over the walls and even some on the stalls. They were all stupid and none of it had any true meaning.

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