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chapter seventeen

┌─────❀◦❀◦❀─────┐chapter seventeenPOSSIBILITIES AND OPPORTUNITIES └─────❀◦❀◦❀─────┘

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A MONTH. An entire month without talking to her favorite person in the entire world.


She just needed an excuse to call him. She thought about millions of them, wrote them down even. Nothing was good enough, or nothing convinced her.

Her conversation with herself were interrupted by a man walking inside the elevator with her holding some blueprints and invitations, the doors closing behind him.

She didn't want to be rude so she smiled at him.

"Hey," she greeted him, making him turn to look at her, in silence. "Hello," she said, smiling, a bit nervous.

"You are talking to me... or to your... your phone?"

"No, just to you. Hi. I'm... Harper Cohen. Hi."

"Hi, I'm... I'm Max. Max Dillon," he said, nodding. He was even more nervous than her.

"Hi, Max." She looked down to the invitations. "Hey, it's your birthday today?"

"Yeah. It's very exclusive though. Tight list of guests. All booked." She nodded. She knew it was a lie but she didn't want to be rude. Max's eyes were now on the tiny screen of the elevator, an image of the news of Spider-man saving some kids playing on the screen. "Isn't he amazing?"

Harper faked a smile. "Yeah. I heard he is very focused on his work of saving people. It's his whole life."

"He saved me once," he said, proudly. "He said I was his eyes and ears, that he needed me. We practically became best friends."

"Right," she mumbled, giving him a tiny smile. "That must be lucky. He seems like a great guy."

The elevator stopped on her floor and she turned to look at him.

"It's was nice to meet you, Max. Happy birthday," she said, kindly, before stepping outside of the elevator and walking away from it quickly.


She walked inside the apartment right in time to see her sister sitting on the couch reading a book, her little hand raising up covering an envelope.

𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 | PETER PARKER (TASM)Where stories live. Discover now