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chapter nineteen

┌─────❀◦❀◦❀─────┐chapter nineteenPATHS CROSSED └─────❀◦❀◦❀─────┘

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PETER WAS WOKEN UP BY HIS PHONE VIBRATING. He groaned a bit, opening his eyes slowly to see the ceiling of his room.

That wasn't his room.

He looked to the nightstand on his left.

That wasn't his nightstand. His nightstand didn't have that picture of him and Harper on it, even though he should because they are kissing on the picture and they look great. That was definitely Harper's nightstand.

He then felt something heavy on his chest, or finally realized it, and looked to his side to see Harper's head using his bare chest as a pillow.

And he finally recalled what on Earth he was doing in Harper's room, which made him smile like a dumbass.

He grabbed his phone, that kept vibrating, and the image of Harry Osborn took him back to reality.

Harry Osborn:
Meet me at Oscorp in an hour.

They had reconnected after Harry's dad died and he had told him about Harper. They used to be best friends it wasn't an unheard thought for him to tell him.

He looked at the time. Eight am. Harper was probably late for work.

He should wake her up yet she looked so peaceful. She looked adorable.

He put his phone away and decided to wake her up gently, leaving small kisses from her arm, to her shoulder, arriving at her head, going down through forehead, eyelid, cheek, jaw...

She opened her eyes, looking up to see him staring at her with a big smile.

"Hi," she whispered and he smiled.

"You're late for work," he mumbled before kissing her nose. She frowned, confused, before she opened her eyes widely.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed as she stood up from the bed in a hurry, opening her closet. "Oh my God, I cannot be late!"

Peter watched her with an amused smile from the bed. He missed her so much.

She dressed up in a hurry, almost falling as she put on her boots. She grabbed her bag and her keys and, before she could leave, Peter stopped her.

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