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chapter twenty four

┌─────❀◦❀◦❀─────┐chapter twenty fourOLD FACES└─────❀◦❀◦❀─────┘

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"HEY," the octopus guy called her as she was sitting down on the ground of the cage with her back on the rock wall. "You aren't Spider-man's girlfriend."

"According to this multiverse nonsense, there could be an infinite number of Spider-man variants and you thought I'm not who I say I am because I'm not the girlfriend to your Spider-man? I mean, this whole situation... string theory, multidimensional reality and matter displacement... and you honestly believe your Spiderman is the only one?" She scoffed. "Do you have the mind of an octopus as well?"

She heard some voices and decided it was best to close her eyes and just wait for Strange to... send them back so she could see Peter again.

But curiosity won when she heard the octo guy getting involved.

"Hey! Who the hell are these two?"

She stood up from the floor, looking at Peter next to a girl and a guy, who she assumed were the help he requested for.

"These are my friends," Peter replied. "This is MJ and this Ned... I'm sorry. What was your name again?"

"Dr. Otto Octavius?"

Even Harper chuckled with the three friends.

Peter, after laughing, talked again. "Wait no seriously, what's your actual name?"

"Oh, is that a dinosaur?" Ned asked, pointing at the lizard, while MJ pointed at Harper.

"And who are you?"

Peter breathed in deeply. "That... uhm... That is Harper..."

"What are you supposed to be?" Ned asked her.

Harper frowned. "What do you think I am? I'm a girl that wants to go home because she has a plane to Boston to catch."

"Boston?" Peter asked.

"MIT," she said back, as if it was obvious. "Peter and I... just... forget it and get us home, please?"


"I found him!" Ned yelled, making Harper open her eyes and sit down straight. "You can take the guy out of the chair, but you can't take the chair out of the guy." She frowned, maybe needing context for that.

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