Chapter 1

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"And the award goes to ......" the lights go off again .

the only sounds I hear are of the pounding hearts ,the BWII Awards always take place in the beginning of the year ,every person of stature from in and out of this city never misses it , this is a place for new connections , business opportunities etc.

"Price Oils !!" She announces to no one's surprise, Ethan always gets what he wants .he always has .

Everyone claps their hands gently as the spotlight focuses on my husband , he gets off his chair grinning brightly and makes his way on stage .

"Thank you everyone " he bows graciously , taking in a deep breath he says " I don't know where to begin .... when my dad started this company I don't think he saw us getting this far , and that's all thanks to all of you , our investors and partners ....Thank you for believing in us ,truly this award goes to you ......within a matter of months we will be the world's leading oil company - that's a promise ,and also I'd like to thank all our employees and all our teams from all over the world you guys played a huge role in this win today and this right here is for all of us " he raises up the award ,"and lastly I'd love to thank my beautiful and brilliant wife- Mrs Lauren Price " the crowd gives me a round of applause , "thank you for being my number one supporter , behind every successful men there's a beautiful and intelligent lady , she is more of Price Oils than I am , I'm still a billionaire and that's all thanks to her I would've been a trillionaire by now and uh that's one of the reasons I love her so much, she makes it a must to use up all my credit cards because she knows that she deserves it" ,the crowd bursts into laughter applauding us once again.

I smile shyly as everyone's eyes fall on me , the only person who isn't laughing in this room is the Mayor's wife , she's glaring at me the same way she always does , I don't know if she thinks I want her husband but the way she acts I swear that is what's happening in her mind but then again she's twice my age so I doubt that's where her issue is .

Lady Veronica who is sitting next to me nudges me with her shoulder , " you are one lucky woman , I wish my husband was as loving as yours , he makes millions everyday but only allows me to use 10 percent of it, pro tip: hold on to him "she says in a whispery tone , we both laugh subtly as I pick up my glass of champagne to stop my face from revealing too much .

Ethan gets off stage and passes by a group of people who keep giving him handshakes of congratulations , he kisses me on my cheek before sitting down and holds my hand in his - melting everyone's hearts , "true love " , I flush at the different comments echoing in this place .

2 hours later the ceremony finally comes to an end , I'm standing in the middle of the room under the most enormous chandelier I've ever seen with Oakville's most prestigious women , "congratulations to you and your husband , my husband can only dream of being as driven as Ethan .... by the way is he looking for a second wife by any chance ?" Mrs. Dandy asks .

her husband runs the country's 3rd leading oil company - EL oils ,her and I aren't necessary the best of friends , we always meet on such occasions , if I am not mistaken she is 10 years older than me I like her because she is the most nicest person I've met in this wealthy circle that is filled with nothing but prideful human beings who do nothing but talk down on other people.

" I wouldn't mind having you as my second in command " .

"well in that case you should talk to him about it and since he listens to everything you say I should start arranging everything with my lawyers and look for my replacement , I can't leave Roger uncared for I still love him", we both laugh as we high five each other .

" you truly are a special lady , the way Ethan looks at you is indescribable , there's this fire... uncontainable fire filled with love in his eyes that exposes his heart , I guess it is true what they say about best friend's turning to lovers " miss Anna comments .

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