Chapter 15

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Thursday morning...... I couldn't sleep at all last night , the two love birds were reminiscing of the olden days , they were playing music on full blast, I've never felt so guilty and defeated in my entire life not even when Ethan used to embarrass me in front of the staff members .

" Oh Lauren !" Sarah's voice echoes from downstairs , the way she just called my name made my spine run cold .

I hop out of my bed shutting down every single fear that pops in my head , I find both of them standing in the kitchen half naked .

" good morning " she grins wickedly , I know what is about to come out of her mouth is not honey.

" why were you still sleeping ? , where is our breakfast ? ,we are hungry " she says .

I glance at Ethan and then back at her , " well Ethan doesn't eat food made by....." .

" nonsense I don't eat because I usually leave early , today I am not going anywhere so please make our breakfast we will wait for you " he says cheerfully .

I don't know what their plan is  but luckily for them , I am prepared for whatever punishment  they are going to give me , I know Sarah is not the type that forgives and Ethan has developed that same attribute because of me , the two unforgiving people are gathered in my name it might not be as easy as I imagined but like I said 'I am ready' .

" why is your face so wrinckled ? didn't you sleep last night " Sarah asks knowing very well what the answer is ,their nakedness is making me uncomfortable , I can't stand to look at them for more than a second in the eye .

" I'll make the breakfast " , I say avoiding all contact with them , I move from the counters to the fridge to the stove without looking back at them , I keep repeating 'This is for my good ' to keep me distracted from their presence .

" you need to give me a tour around my new home babe , I don't even know where the utensils are ,imagine owning a house and not knowing where the little things are  " she says , I hear them giggling behind me like 5 year olds .

" don't worry we have the whole day  to ourselves " he responds .

" you are not going to work ?" I turn around forgetting their naked state.

" no of course not , the office will manage just fine without me " he responds , I mouth " oh, okay" before turning back around .

I am making Ethan's favourite , bacon , eggs , tomato in toasted bread and coffee, the last time I made this for him was 3 days before our wedding , he came over to ask me whether this was the right step ,and just like any friend  I advised him  to follow his heart, in a way I am glad that he is going to eat the food I make , seeing him happy the way that he is now makes me happy , I never thought I'd see him smile again but here he is, laughing and giggling like he is 5 again .

I finish making their breakfast and set it before them , they are busy chit chatting about everything that they went through these past years , Sarah's stories are not adding up , I think she's hiding the truth about her situation to Ethan , she keeps telling him about how tough Med school is etc ,I'm not  involving myself in any of their matters anymore ,it's better for me to keep quiet and let them be,she'll tell him when she is ready .

I bow lightly excusing myself from the kitchen ," please don't forget  to make our bed " she shouts .

" sure " , I respond , they must've discussed this last night , that they will make me their personal maid I can tell by the way Ethan is just agreeing with everything .


I arrive at work and for the first time I feel relaxed because I don't have to worry about what kind of drama my dear husband is going to cause to embarrass me , Miranda smiles at me the moment I walk through the door .

" Good morning " she hugs me , " Mr Ethan called penelope to let her know that he is not coming in today , so before you make up excuses you are coming with me to my office , I need to talk to you about something " she doesn't wait for my response and starts dragging me toward the lift.

her office is the kind of office I dreamt of having before I got married , everything is in white , from the couch to the tables to the walls , the size is to die for its bigger than a 3 bedroom house .

she leads me to the couch wearing a very unusual smile on her face .

" I want your advice regarding something " her smile grows wider .

" Me?" I look around to insure if I'm not mistaken , what advice can Lauren give to superwoman? .

"Yes you there's no one else here so it's obvious I'm talking to you ".

I nod to myself ," oh okay ,I'm listening" .

she blushes before opening her mouth "see the thing is ........ I am in love with ...someone who considers me a friend " , I gasp knowing who it is , " wait , I'm not done , I want your advice , should I tell him or should I just keep quiet ?, but the thing is I can not contain the way I feel about him anymore , I tried to suppress my feelings but they are just getting worse , he's the kind of person I want to spend the rest of my life with, driven,funny ,knows how to get what he wants , never gives up ... Since I don't have any real friends you are the only person I can talk to regarding this matter" .

the joy in her eyes makes it very evident  how serious she is about this guy , which I'm very certain its Austin , I won't lie there is a slight part of me that is jealous even though I don't want him ...... This is a day full of surprises , Miranda is an intelligent person I never thought she'd come to me for any advice or help I'm a bit surprised .

" just tell him "I say , deep down I know this might sabotage their friendship and I kind of want it to , her confessing her feelings to him might send him running besides Miranda deserves better she doesn't need someone like Austin as her life partner .

she draws back , " what if it ruins our friendship ?" she asks .

" it is better to go down with a fight than to go down without a fight , it won't hurt to try would it ? " .

she takes a second to think , " you are right , I guess I'll have to suck it up and face him , by the time he gets back I'll be ready " .

" oh so he is out of town right now ?" I ask .

she quickly shakes her head , " no he's just ...."

"its fine if you don't want to tell me , you can tell me when its official " ,  it is definitely Austin .

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