Chapter 20

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We arrive at the Mayor's party which is taking place in his house ,as we are strolling through his beautiful garden we approach the door and Ethan grabs my hand holding it in his , shaking , facially he is composed .

Sarah has been quiet on our ride here which means she is still angry and I wonder how angry she will be when she notices Ethan holding my hand , this night is not going to end well that much I am sure of .

two security guards are standing by the door , there were about 8 at the gate , Mr mayor doesn't want to take chances with his life.

the security lets us in , every time we come to the Mayor's house I feel like I am seeing it for the first time , he renews his furniture almost every 4 months , I know he has businesses and gets tenders every single week but does he really have to be this extreme ?, the furniture he buys is worth more than Joseph's 3 years combined salary .

Mrs Dandy sees us as we are coming and waves for us to come to them , she is standing with women who are dressed elegantly , her grin grows wider as we approach , Ethan is still shaking and its starting to make me nervous as well .

" there are the two love birds  , how are you !" she tries to hug me , "can you let go of your wife's hand at least for a second so we can hug her properly ,the poor thing can't even wrap her arm properly around me "  .

Ethan brings me closer to him by wrapping his hand around my shoulder , " nope Mam , last time you said you wanted to be my second wife , and since I turned you down , you decide to come for my wife , no Mam you can not hug her , in fact keep your distance when you are speaking to her " he teases , the elegant ladies also join us by laughing.

I avoid locking eyes with Sarah because I know she will make me nervous , I can smell her anger , I saw her staring at us when Mrs dandy brought up the hand issue I just didn't see the reaction on her face , I don't know how she will bare going on through the night with her 'man' being all lovey dovey towards me even though its all for show it is going to affect her plus she is already angry . by the end of tonight she will be a steaming kettle .

maybe this is good for me ,to have her be in my shoes for a second , she loves kissing Ethan in front of me all the time and I am convinced she is doing it to spite me .

Ethan is also avoiding her , " and who is this ?, Hi I am Pamela but everyone calls me Mrs Dandy though" she streches out her hand toward Sarah .

My insides start sweating , we did  not agree on a story that we were to tell if people were to ask , Ethan sternly says , " my wife's Cousin ", I swallow a gallop ." oh yes I am Sarah , Lauren's Cousin " uttering my name and introducing herself as my cousin made her cringe even Mrs Dandy saw that .

" how lovely , I guess good looks run in the family , Lauren is prettier though " she whispers, we pretend like we did not hear her which adds to Sarah's fury but Mrs Dandy doesn't seem to care , I'm also a little amused at her comment .

" how have you guys been ?, I haven't seen you since the award ceremony ", she eyes my dress and gasps before we could respond to her question , " gorgeous dress , Ethan's choice again ?" , I nod shyly .

" before you compliment me , I know I am the best " he curtsy  .

" oh my why didn't God bless me with a husband like you " she says , " one of the ladies in a green silk dress says , " but your husband is just as obsessive and fashionable" , we all know that's not true. Rogers is many things but fashionable, the lady is just trying to make Mrs Dandy feel good about a lie

" yeah but he is not as cute " 

" maybe in the next life time Mrs Dandy " Ethan says .

Hendry Selman , Mrs dandy's niece - emerges giving Ethan a bro hug , " hey man when did you get here ? , and why are you standing with the ladies come with me , the gents are playing poker in the other room , oh where are my manners ?, good evening Mrs Price " , Sarah sneers at this statement drawing all the attention to her .

passion particles form in hendry's eyes , " and who might this be ?" he takes her hand and kisses it gently , " good evening to you too miss ".

Mrs dandy jumps ," oh hendry this is Miss sarah , Lauren's cousin " she steps in between them , she's about to play matchmaker again , although Hendry is rich he has a hard time finding the perfect women , his father left him shares that he can only recieve if he marries , he could marry any woman just to get the shares  if he wanted but he takes marriage so seriously that he won't budge even for a billion dollars , he wants to marry ' the right one ' so he says .

" miss Sarah are you taken ?" Mrs dandy asks her with so much hope in her tone .

Sarah looks back and fourth at Ethan who seems to be very calm given the situation , " uh no , not exactly " she answers , Ethan squeezes my hand at this but relaxes before he can give anything away .

Hendry lightens up , " oh well in that case , would you like a drink?" .

"I  thought we were heading to play poker ?" Ethan interferes .

" we were but now I have a better option , this might just be my future wife  and you want me to lose this opportunity because of poker ?, heck no , I'll see you later , take care man " he pats Ethan on the back , taking Sarahs hand into his gently leading her away from us .

She turns around to glance at us with a smirk on her face , Ethan keeps sqeezing and releasing my hand over and over again trying to keep his temper under control , " would you look at that , don't they look perfect ?" .

" honestly , No , not even a bit " Ethan responds in a rather rough voice which startles Mrs Dandy , " what makes you say that Dear Ethan ? " she asks .

" well I don't know , your niece is unbelievably unattractive and Sarah has good taste when it comes to men " he says sternly  making Mrs dandy cover her mouth .

at the back of my head I mouth 'oh -oh' as  the sweet boy image has just been peeled off , I wonder how he will cover it again , on the ride here I decided I wont be responsible for everything and anything that happens here because this was a bad idea from the get go , so I will not try to cover for anyone , there has to be some consequence so that next time they won't do something like this , these two are obsessed with each other and now both of them have to watch the other flirt with  someone else .

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