Chapter 13

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I'm following Austin in my car , he keeps shifting his mirror so that he can see me , he might be a little obessessed than I thought .

a call comes in and I connect it to my car before answering it , " Mrs Price speaking hello " .

the caller laughs at the other end of the phone, " Mrs Price my foot" .

" you are beginning to creep me out , how did you get my numbers ?".

I look at him grinning in the rear view mirror .

" I stole them from Ethan's phone when he showed the board members out I thought I had to call you to arrange the whole meeting with Sarah " .

"oh I see , so why are you calling me when we are going to the same place "

" no reason I just wanted to check on you , don't you want to talk ?".

" about what ?".

" Ethan ?, Life?, anything you want? ,Sarah ?".

there's something about the gentleness of his voice that makes me want to open up .

" well I am nervous about thing with Sarah , how am I going to approach her , what if she throws hot water on my face ?, she's not the type of person to let things go so easily , she is the master of grudges or was , I can't really tell what type of person she is now", I breathe out attempting to stop my heart rate from going higher .

" I can only imagine how you must be feeling ,don't worry , I'll be right next to you, this is our only shot so we have to make sure it works , my spirit tells me she'll agree"

I blush ," you also use the word spirit ?".

He laughs" why ?Is that weird ?" .

" No no not at all , it's just that normal people use words such as heart ,gut etc".

" Then I guess we are both not so normal "

I smile "guess so ..
I can imagine Ethan's face when he comes face to face with her , he'll be so overjoyed he might divorce me right there and then ,but seeing a genuine smile on his face might actually put a smile on my heart , I owe him that much , I need to start praying right now that she agrees "

" I know you already told me everything but why didn't you just plead with him to go ahead with the merger without having to decieve him ?, the man's heart is so darkened I'm actually also scared " .

I wonder what else I told him in my drunken state.

" I tried that already but he was too concerned about his image and their family reputation being mixed up with us and I knew the only way to save my dad's life was to take this path "

" geez but why doesn't he forgive you already ?, if it were me I think I'd be angry for a maximum of 2 years but eventually come to understand the situation and the pressure you were under, so he'd rather have your dad die for a couple of millions ?, the deal did ultimately make them money right ?,it doesn't make sense why he is still angry ".

" I don't think its because of the deal or anything , if he was deceived by someone else he would've been okay by now but because it was me that's what he can't comprehend , I knew how much he wanted to marry her , I knew how much he wanted to spend his life with her , I knew everything about him , our friendship was one for the ages ,he also knew everything about me ,I guess being betrayed by someone you trusted with your soul is not an easy thing to accept but to be honest I also thought he would be over it by now , looks like I underestimated him " I sigh deeply.

he remains silent for a while , " I get it " he responds , since he is being so warm and not his typical self I should take my shot and subtly ask him about the other night .

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