Chapter 35

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we are gathered around the fire at the back of the house ,just outside the gate is the beach with the beautiful dark blue ocean .

This is by far the shortest Dalfi we have ever had ,  due to our flights and the location we only have half a day and we are leaving tomorrow before 12 .

But it's not all boring  a minute ago we were all singing my dad's favourite song " mary had a little lamb " and then we sang "maroon's 5 sunday morning ", its not us singing .its the alcohol.

we are all sitting in camp chairs , talking , Kayden is sitting across me next to Ashley , whatever they are talking about looks intresting because they keep laughing every 2 seconds ,I thought Austin didn't get drunk easily but it seems I was wrong ,he has had about 5 shots of Hennessy and seems to be getting interested in Ashley all of a sudden.

My dad is going down memory lane with Caitlyn about our mom , I don't really know that much about our mom and mainly because I don't want to , I've never been such a big fan of living in the past.

  I am the only silent one in this circle and strangely so my focus is only on Kam ,this is why I hate drinking , I am starting to see him in a different light , seeing him laugh with another woman boils up a pot of jealousy in me , this is the same feeling I get when I see Ethan and Sarah feeding each other strawberrys .

I laugh at myself internally , I am starting to see the value he has in my life , he is my prince charming hashtag superhero , if it weren't for him , I'd still be that same lifeless girl breathing , I might still need him in my life .

if he starts dating someone else he will no longer have time for me or maybe even talk to me at all, who will I run to if I come across a problem in my situation?, I've gotten so used to him so much so that I now can't picture my life without him in it.

its true what they say , you never realise what you have until its gone , but he is not gone he is sitting right in front of me but at the same time out of my reach, I think somewhere along the line I've fallen for him, how could I not ?, He is charming , sweet , funny , sexy , considerate, easy going ... And the list goes on.

he pauses as his eyes land on mine that are glaring at him intently , " what are you thinking about Lauren ?" he asks loud enough for me to hear him above everyone who is talking .

I shake my head , " Nothing , Nothing at all " , I finally look away , the fear of losing him just hit me worse than it did just a minute ago , Ruth B's if by chance starts playing in head and my heart can not seem to take it , 'I need to be alone' , I never pictured the day he'd no longer be around as I'm starting to right now.

" I'm going to stare at the sea for a little bit, I'll be back " I get off my chair , " I don't know how I keep forgetting that you and views are just inseparable , go right ahead honey , just don't get lost " my dad says.

almost tipping over to the ground I head out the gate  not looking back , a thousand fears are running through my head , the fear of reliving my old life takes control over me , " gosh I hate alcohol " .

I walk into a further distance assuring that I disappear from everyone's sight , standing at the edge of the water I start playing with it like a kindergarden kid ,Kam , Kam , Kam is using all the rom in my mind.

" are you okay ?" I hear his voice behind my back .

I laugh at myself , " right , now the Hallucinations starts  "

" why are you playing with cold water in such a cold weather ?, are you trying to get sick ? " 

I slap myself and turn around.

"Oh I'm not dreaming " .

I look straight into his beautiful eyes and snorting .

" your eyes are very blue " .

he  laughs , " I know right ".

" You are very...."

" come on lets go before you get swallowed by the ocean" he pulls me by my hand but I yank away .

" I don't want to go " I say like a five year old refusing to leave the candy shop.

he scans my face " were you this drunk when you got up ?,I thought I drank more than you " .

" I can't leave you like this ,come on lets go if you refuse I will carry you like a sack of potatoes "he steps closer to me .

" I will count up to 3 you either comply or am I going to have to carry you , which one will it be Lauren River ?"

" Price , its Lauren Price "

" whatever I am picking you up now" he attempts to grab me but I escape his grasp.

" Lauren please lets go, you need to drink coffee or better yet get some sleep  " he begs .

he looks so good in his light jeans and his black jacket , my heart is pounding so fast I can not control it  , " what if I don't need either , what if all I need is  " .

he pauses like he's aware of my next word , " you "

he remains silent looking into my eyes , I can hear his heart pounding as fast as mine , he swallows a lump , " come you are drunk , I'll take you to your room " he steps even closer but this time I don't back away .

for the very first time I can see the longing desire in his heart reflecting in his eyes , he is trying to shove it away but fails dismally .

I laugh at this throwing my hands around him , " you have a very sexy jawline did you know that " I giggle , " everything about you is sexy " .

He shakes his head off" protip , never drink in your life again " his tone so calm and pressed , his heart beats even faster ,I press my head on his chest to hear the rhythm of his heart more clearly . I can feel the blue air breeze on my pores , it's just the two of us ,no other sound except the the sounds of the waves and well,his heart beat.

" your heart is beating fast " I say almost starting to sober up.

" this only happens when I am around you "he stands still .

" mere infatuation does not do that to a person "

"Oh so that got to you ? ...  I was just saying , given the situation it might be " .

" You know you are lying ,if only you could look at your eyes " .

" Do you want me to be in love with you since you are coming against my infatuation theory " .

" Maybe ".

He sighs happily ," okay , you know I'm not one to hide my feelings , I'm not ashamed of the fact that I love you, even though you might not reciprocate that feeling but I don't care that's just my truth and everything I said about dreaming about you is true and I think you are aware of that, I'll always love you , and I'll always look out for you even if I get married to someone else if you call I'll always answer , to me , you are and have always been my soulmate ,I had a crush on you before you saved me ,that day you managed to make me love you higher than a hundred percent , I guess I just grew with it I never thought I'd see you but look at what destiny has done " he says ,his words hit a spot somewhere in my stomach .

I've never had someone look at me with so much passion not even my first love and I am certain that he means it .

before I know it he's sweet lips are consuming mine ... again .., his warm and soft hands cupping my face , there's this indescrible spark in my heart , its like those latin ladies who are dancing with those little instruments in their hands are dancing in my heart and then moments after my body is pressing his on the sand still fully clothed .

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