Chapter 29

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Caitlyn and I are driving to the airport and I am filling her in on what has been happening these past days and how Ethan's sudden change of heart angers Sarah .

" I don't think you should be worried about her that much , Sarah has always been that barking dog that never bites , she was dump enough to expose her plans to you , if anything happens just get her back by exposing her , Ethan hates deception right ?, that means he will hate her much as he did you when he finds out , as a matter of a fact I think you should expose her before she makes her move so Ethan knows what he is dealing with , she said she doesn't care who goes down in the process and in my view I don't think she meant us , she meant Ethan as well , she caused that drama and she can do it again , she knows the kind of effect she has on Ethan "

" you are right , I will have to think about it , she might do something that will cause Ethan to lose his everything he has worked hard for  if she is not stopped ".

" her whole dad issue has nothing to do with you , if she hadn't met Ethan her dad would've had to take that job either ways , her lies are what got her in this mess and not you so do not let her get to your head "

" true" I reply focused intently on the road .

" so when are we meeting thee Austin ?" she changes the subject .

" I don't know,he called me last night  saying he might not be able to make but he'll update me "

"does Ethan know that he is coming since you guys are buddy buddies now ?"

" heck no , he offered to come but I turned him down, I didn't want to have to cancel Austin because I feel so much gratitude towards him I mean he is the reason I have my dream job . I am no longer a maid and a personal assistant. and I no longer have to endure insults and embarrassment in front of the stuff members and I think the weekend will be much fun with him as my plus one than Ethan ,if it were Ethan he'd have to pretend to be all lovey dovey and at this point it will be extremely uncomfortable given the situation " .

" understood I also prefer Austin even though I don't know him..... anyways , I heard Ashely was engaged , I can't wait to find out if that is true and if it is who is the  lucky guy ?"

" you mean unlucky " , we both snort and burst into laughter .

The moment we arrive at the airport Dad messages me to let me know they have already arrived at the rented house.

" dad is already there with Rita and Collen " I inform Caitlyn .

" well then this flight better hurry up I want to see Ashely and her fiancé, if Ashley is not careful Aunt Rita will steal her soon to be husband away from her, she will have to address him uncle ... Upgrade from fiancé to uncle " she says snorting.

" Yep ,true that"

" Come to think of it she should've been Aunt Rita's daughter they are so alike , Aunt Stephany is so very different from them I wondered how she ended up birthing a daughter that is just like her sister ,they literally breathe for men " 

" I also wonder " I shrug .


our flight lands at the airport at exactly 7am the next day, my body is just not having it , all I want to do is sleep and unfortunately it is hike day , me and Caitlyn and Austin will have to head straight to hiking site since we are already late .

I just hope Austin's flight lands on time, I haven't been able to be in touch with him because my phone was on flight mode .

we drag our bags outside the airport.

" uhhhh , do we really have to go on the hike ?, lets just skip it we will make up for it at dinner" I whine staring at the sun , Caitlyn is just as tired as I am from the journey .

" you know that is not possible , dad would be disappointed in us, he's looking forward to seeing us then hiking with the family"

"I know I just ...." I remove my attention from the sun and look straight ahead although I can't make out the face but I can say with certainty that bright smile belongs to KAM , he is wearing a tight leather jacket,white T-shirt and light blue jeans . something in me just leaps , I drop my bag and run to jump in his arms , he wraps me in a tight hug and spins me around .

he gives me a soft landing, " I did not expect that but I will take it ",he smells like fresh ocean it makes my heart flutter .

I hit him on his chest , " stop being silly , you have become my best friend , I am allowed to be happy when I see you and jump into your arms when I feel like it"

" Oh really " he blushes.

"Oh You two seem to have grown pretty close " Caitlyn butts in.

" but not close enough " he whispers into my ear , I hit him again ," I almost forget you never miss a moment to make your move....thanks for coming either way " .

" I am also thankful to myself that I came something tells me this is not going to be a waste of time "

" uhm hello hi " Caitlyn clears her throat .

" oh sorry hi. I'm Austin  "

" Good morning Austin, I am Caitlyn , the sister " ,they formerly exchange handshakes.

"its a pleasure to meet you , I've heard so much about you " they both say at the same time .

" same , but I am disappointed you don't look anything like how my dear sister described you ,"

" what ?,did she describe me as ugly ?"

She smirks ," nope , she said you are hot but I didn't know just how hot ,her description is a bit lower than what it is supposed to be.... I think I should let you know my Aunt Rita will make certain that she gets her claws in you , pro tip , run away now and never look back" she whipers .

I would beat her to the pulp if Austin wasn't here,how can she tell him I described him as 'hot'. she just broke girl code big time.

" and miss this opportunity to seduce Lauren ?, never! I will take my chances "

" damn , how is a guy like you so head over heels for my sister ?" .

" why are you guys talking about me like I am not even here" I try to cut their conversation short.

" more like head over space , she saved my life back in primary school and I have never looked at another woman since that day , I prayed that her and I would one daybump into each other and God has answered my prayers because here I am today going to spend time with her family " .

they both ignore me and continue talking to each other like they didn't hear me speak just now .

" you know if you impress me I can put in a good word for you and before you know you will be my new brother in law ".

" is that so ?, I think I know just the thing , he walks over to his car just on the other side of the road , he takes out two coffee cups ,and runs back to us " Lauren told me you love coffee even though you make it everyday so I got you the finest " he hands us both the cups ," will this do my lady ?, And please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else" he bows gently.

"I needed the coffee to awaken my body so yes it will do ,you get two credits , if you get 20 before the end of the weekend then I will make certain that you marry Lauren on her anniversary with Ethan " she teases.

they can joke all they want but they both know this is something that could never happen no matter how hard they wish it would .

Ethan kept saying the other day ' until we find a way forward ' but he knows there is no such , there's too much tied to our  marriage, sponsorships , partnerships , brands , our images and our families , people love us because we are together the day we seperate it is all going to disappear and we will be nothing but history.

" Just 20 points? , I think our dear Lauren here must get ready to be Mrs Mayor" . I join in laughing because I know they are only fooling around.

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