Chapter 30

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the three of us are traveling in Austin's car to the hiking location, his driver Frank is playing his old country songs , I am sitting in the middle ,Caitlyn is on my left and Austin is on my right, I don't know why Kam insisted to sit with us at the back ... Okay I know why but still he didn't have to , the three of us can barely breathe.

I invertibly end up falling asleep whilst Caitlyn and Austin are talking about things that don't interest me , any person would deny the fact that they only met moments ago .

 about an hour later the car stops , I open my eyes to find my head on someones lap and I know instantly its not Caitlyn she always has this strawberry scent I never miss, my eyes widen with sudden fear , I roll them to Caitlyn and she is looking at me  with a calm smile and then looks at Austin , her look informs Austin that I am awake.

" I hope you didn't drool on my lap "

I sit straight up plugging my hair behind my ear , "sorry " .

"Someone is feeling shy "Caitlyn teases

" you are right ,I think I just saw her cheeks turn red " Austin adds.

" as if " I roll my eyes ," I don't think I like you two together , your weird energy is making my skin crawl " .

" Why ?are you afraid we might fall in love ?" .

" If that happens then the whole world will be doomed , imagine the irritating kids you will birth , save us the trouble and stay away from each other " I say nonchalantly , I'd be jealous if that were to happen , like really jealous.

" there is dad's car" Caitlyn points straight ahead .

Austin straigthens up , " Its time to meet the dad" he says as we all get out the car.

" Is it me or did you just say that like you are my boyfriend ".

" Aren't I " .

" what ?" I freeze.

" I am a boy that is your friend right ?, boyfriend " he grins annoyingly .

" shut up " I punch him on the shoulder.

" by the time I get back home I will have many more scars then I can count " he says .

" if you continue at this rate then yes you will , I will probably rearrange your face" .

"As long as it is done by you then I do not mind " .

" Would you stop with your cheesy lines ?, They aren't moving " .

" If that's what you want " he whispers into my ear.

I shake my head slightly at him and choose to remain silent.

we get to where dad and the rest of the family are .

they are already wearing their hiking gears , Collen is the first person to see us , " there they are " he closes the gap between us giving us a hug each , " hey bro , I'm collen" he hugs Austin .

both Austin and collen are wearing matching T shirts , plain blue T-shirts , Austin's makes him look good since he already has blue eyes , " and I'm  Austin " .

" my lovely daughters " he grins at us .

" dad!" Caitlyn and I throw ourselves at  him like little girls ,he wraps his arms around us " we missed you " we both express .

" I missed you even more my darlings " .

he lets go of us ," wow old age is really getting to you " I say looking at his grey hair , the last time I saw him he had maybe about 20 strands of white hair but now the whole head is grey.

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