Chapter 7

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It has been about 3 hours now and Austin can't take his eyes of me , every time we discuss a certain topic or laugh at a joke he laughs just a little and turns his attention back to me engaging me in a subject of his own , " how have you been ?" , " which college did you attend ?"," do you have a sweet tooth?" and all these different types of childish questions ,makes me wonder just how big his crush was .

 we are all past our drinking limits except for Austin. and I doubt any of us are willing to go home yet.

Alcohol really has a way of making a person forget their problems, for a moment I don't feel like the real Lauren , Ethan's Lauren .

The darker it gets the louder the music gets , we can't even hear one another , if anyone wants to say something to another they have to shout to that person's ear .

My favorite song comes on and all I want to do at this moment is dance -( Megan Trainor's dear future husband) , I used to listen to this song every morning when I went to school fantasizing about my future husband and my future life, it always had a way of uplifting my spirit . I stopped listening to it after I got married to Ethan , it just didn't have that effect on me anymore ,how could it ? when I have a monster for a husband ?.

I stand up and stumble over to the dance floor to dance with the other people that are showcasing their not so good dancing skills which makes me less worried about my rhythm less dancing, my colleagues are too drunk to even notice that I am no longer at the table with them , clever Joseph is already knocked out , Penelope is on the phone probably telling her ex that she misses him , and the others are busy blabbering about something stupid .

 even though I'm meters away from Austin I can feel his gaze on me .

before I know it  he's on the dance floor with me ,his hands  on my waist, when and how they got there I can't really tell, I'm not in a space to stop him or remove his hands off me  ,with the others here news like this can land in Ethan's ear like he witnessed it himself but that's the least of my worries all I want is to stay in this fantasy world for a bit longer .

The way he is looking deep into my eyes is making my hormones react in different ways .

"Why do you look at me like that ?" I ask .

"Like what ?" He acts clueless .

" like that!, I need to take a picture of you so you can see the magazine behind your eyes " .

"You can read it ?" He asks in a seductive tone making my insides flutter.

"Anyone can read it " I Look behind him to see what the others are doing , nothing has changed , Miranda went to the restroom 30 minutes ago and still hasn't returned. 

He gets excited ,"I'm sorry but I can't help it , I just ... you look as beautiful as you did when we were young ".

"Do I ?" I lean in towards him laughing .

" Yes why ?, don't you believe me ?, Doesn't your husband tell you ?" His tone so tender.

" Nope sir . He doesn't but I do . I tell him everyday that he is handsome, in my mind that is " .

He scoffs ," I see ".

" Is he better looking than me ?"he asks .

" In every way " .

" Ouch" he slides his hands off me.

I twirl around and start jumping up and down ,my mind caged to the loud music, everyone around me is erased , the floor is empty all I can see are the tiles and the different lights changing across the room until I bump into something or someone that I almost fall but Austin appears but then again he never left it was just in my imagination.

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