Chapter 3:

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"Sexuality and questioning"

Wilhelm and Simon were now out at the stables as they were talking, not as enemies but as friends.. it was weird to think about at first since they somewhat despised each other in the past, but now talking as if none of that mattered anymore.

Simon got here today and was just getting to know the place and the people Wilhelms mother loved Simon so she didn't suspect anything happening between the two of them. Saturday and Sunday would be their last days until who knows when which kind of made Wilhelm upset.

The photographer came over to the two and smiles 'Nice to see you boys getting along finally.' she says 'Can you get together for the photo?' she asks politely 

The two nod and Simon puts an arm around Wilhelms shoulder as the flash came at them smiling big 

She smiled looking at it 'It's perfect.' she says 'Thank you I'll see you two later for the next photo' 

Wilhelm smiles and nods as he went over to his horse brushing her since he hadn't yet today 

Simon looks over as he did 'Wilhelm what does this mean..?' he asks 

'I don't know Simon, I don't know' He tells him looking over 'I just-' 

He kissed his cheek 'Its fine I need time to process too' he says and smiles 'Can we ride the horses?' he asks 

Wilhelm look as he did feeling his cheeks heat up with a rosy colour 'Yeah we can, you can take Lyla' he tells him posting over at her 

Simon nods happily and walks over getting the cattle on her, then opens the gate and brings her out 

After finishing brushing his horse he did the same as Simon, walking out then got onto his horse  'Race ya' Wilhelm smiled and got his horse Tiffany going 

He smiles 'Hey!' he giggles and got on his horse catching up with Wilhelm as the horses ran through the fields 


A  couple of hours had went by since Simon and Wilhelm had gone riding, they got the horses back in their stables then went inside to shower and stuff.

Zahra came around finding them in the kitchen 'You boys have a statement to make about how your friendship has been improving, be nice say good things don't be assholes.' 

Wilhelm looks over at her 'Understood' he says 'What time is the statement at?' 

'Right now, lets go'

He groans 'But Simon just cooked, really good fucking food'

Zahra looks 'Its a 5 minute statement the foods not gonna grow legs and run away' she says 

'Fine' he says and started walking with Simon outside as their hands touched every now and then and stopped once they got outside 

The videographer looks as they had questions 'What was with the whole wedding cake fiasco?' 

Simon look 'Me and Wilhelm had one too many drinks, and were playing a game he accidentally pushed me and himself into the cake.'

Wilhelm nods 'Exactly and we learnt from our mistake and won't do it again'

He nods 'How did you two become better friends so quick?' one asks 

Wille looks 'we decided if we are gonna be seeing each other at events and such, we should be able to get along and handle being in the same room with each other' 

Simon nods and smiled 'I agree, being rude to each other was always very unprofessional and as we grow up we learn to be more mature' 

They nod 'Thanks for the responses' he says 'Will we see you two together at Prince Wilhelms birthday party?' he asks 

Wilhelm smiles 'We'll be having a public one with family and family friends so yes Simon will be there. But I will also be having a private one' 

'Okay sounds perfect, thank you for your time' 

They both nod and go inside 'A private birthday party?' he asks 'Were you gonna invite me?' 

'Obviously, June and Felice usually take me out to a dinner then we go to a club and drink the night away' 

Simon smiles 'Ahhh sounds about right coming from you.' he jokes 

Wilhelm playfully hits him 'Shut up' he says and walks back to the kitchen as Simon had made an Alfredo pasta with chicken on top 'This looks so good.' he says and takes a bite 'Holy fuck'

'That good?' he asks and smiles towards him 

He nods 'Yes where did you learn to cook?' Wille asks and takes another bite

Simon looks 'mom taught me some, and I also taught myself' he says and takes a bite.

The boys talk the night away before they knew it, it was the middle of the night and Wilhelm checked his phone 'Shit we better get to bed, goodnight' 

Simon nods and kissed him softly 'Goodnight Prince.' he says and looks up at him then smiles and walks to the guest room 

Wilhelm kissed back softly nodding 'Mhmm goodnight' he smiles and walks to his own room having butterflies he didn't know what he.. Bi sexual? or Gay? 

He knew he liked girls too so Bi sexual fit him for now and felt right.. kissing Simon felt amazing and hadn't felt like that before 

Simon had known for a while he was Gay but always was around girls, so he made himself seem straight to make his parents happy not knowing If they would accept him.. for him.

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