Chapter 14:

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"A roadtrip to texas Part 2"

Wilhelm and June were up early getting their things together and met downstairs at Wilhelms car 'Ready to go?' she asks him

He nods 'Yes and take it easy with Simon he's been through hell these past few weeks alright?'

She nods 'Yeah of course' he says and got into the car after putting her bag in the trunk  

They were on their way and were meeting Simon halfway so he was waiting at a train station but in the parking lot area 


Simon saw them pull up and smiled finally seeing Wilhelm 

Wilhelm got out and looked around then saw Simon running over 

He giggles and jumps into his arms and hugs him not wanting to let go 'I missed you.' he says and kept his arms wrapped around him 

'I missed you too' he smiles and held him close 

Simon smiles as he slowly let go and kissed him softly 'Thank you for planning the next two weeks' he tells him happily 

Wilhelm kissed back softly 'As I said I will do anything for you Simon' he said and kissed his head 'Know come sit in the front with me and lets go to Texas how does that sound?'

"Absolutely fantastic' he says and smiled putting his bags in the car before getting in the front with Wilhelm 


A couple of hours later they arrived to the summer as it was still running and very clean since family was here every now and then also having staff to keep it clean and stuff.

Wilhelm smiled and looks around as they brought their bags in 'This place is incredible' he says 

Simon nods 'Yeah it is' he smiles 'We never get to come down here anymore' he says and looks around finding some old pictures on the fire place 

He wraps his arms around him from behind looking at them 'who are these of?' he asks 'Besides the very obvious curly haired baby' he giggles 

'Yeah yeah' he says leaning onto him 'Those are of Sara' he says pointing them out 'Then of both of us, mom and dad' he says 

Wilhelm nods holding him softly 'You were one adorable baby' he says looking at his photos 

Simon smiles 'Please I already knew that' he joked around and kissed his cheek putting a photo back he'd taken down 

He smiled and takes his arms off of his waist 'Give us a tour?' 

'Id love to lets go' he says and started leading them all around the house showing them their rooms and around the house then went outside which had a lake you could swim in and a barbecue and stuff

(Lets pretend I said Felice and Sara came along too cuz I completely forgot to even bring them lmao)

Wilhelm smiles 'I call dibs on Simons room' he giggles 

The girls smile 'we're all sharing a room!' they say 

Simon nods 'Alright then thats settled I call being with Wilhelm'

'Good with me I get more cuddles' he says 

He nods 'exactly.' he says and smiles up at him and places a kiss on his cheek 'I'm ready for a nap' he says 

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