Chapter 9:

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"Getting Caught"

The next thing you know Wilhelm and Simon are sat on the couches while the mothers sat in front of them trying to think of what to say. 

Wilhelm sat there, he knew he should have just kept his feelings to himself -- maybe none of this would have happened, Himself and Simon would have never gotten caught and things would still be just as they were before. The only bad part about before was there was no Simon in his life, at least not the Simon he was in love with now.

Simon stayed quiet he glanced over at Wilhelm once or twice but never got a place back, its as if he knew what was coming, today would probably be the day Simon lost the love of his life or at least what he thought was the love of his life. Did he even understand what true love was? or what it meant to be in love? He didn't know.

Finally the queen spoke up 'Do you know how inappropriate what you to have been doing is?' She asks and gets up 

'Do you know how unfair it is to us?' He asks 'So what? we hooked up it's what people do.' Wilhelm got up getting mad 

Simons mom looks 'You two know technically same gender relationships aren't allowed' 

Wilhelm looks at Simon then his mom 'Why can't we keep it a secret?' he asks 

'Because its unprofessional and people are gonna think its gonna get out of hand' She tells him 

Simon looks 'Yeah but it hasn't gotten out of hand!' he shouted and tears up 'You know what? fine' he days and turns to Wilhelm 'Since the world doesn't approve of us we're done' he says 

He breathes and walks away but stopped 'There you can drop everything we're done, okay? fuck you both' he says before continuing to walk away up to his room 

Simon and his mother left, the whole plane ride back to the white house he could help but let the tears fall and looks out the window. He lost Wilhelm the only thing that was keeping him sane at the moment, but obviously he didn't have that anymore.

The president AKA Simons mom came over and held her hand out 'I need your phone please' she says 

He looks up at her 'How is that any fair?' he asks 'Just because I had slept with someone? What happened to my mom "Being president isn't gonna change me, I'll still always be there for you I promise"' he says to her 'So no last time I checked I bought this phone, and I pay for this phone so no.' he says 

'Simon you know I didn't mean for things to get so hard around the White House' he says 'Please just give me the phone we need to know you have no contact with the prince'

Simon nods 'And that's what I mean, Its my phone but I also broke up with Wilhelm so I don't really think he's gonna be in contact with me because frankly I just broke his heart, I now look like that person who sleeps with someone and doesn't call them back' he says as they land 'Be lucky we were in the privacy of a curtained and non security footage room when we had our PRIVATE moment, stay out of mine and Wilhelms fucking sex life, oh wait I forgot you already ruined that so just maybe stay out of my life for a bit that sounds wonderful!' he said to her with tears in his eyes 'You took the one thing from me that made me happy' he says and turns walking off the plane since they had landed 


Wilhelm was laying in his bed arms wrapped on either side of his body, it helped calm his anxiety this time it just seemed it wasn't seeming to work. This was his first "Official breakup" the world didn't seem to make as much sense as it did when he had Simon in the world with him, as if it was just the two of them and nothing else mattered. 

The warm salty tears Wilhelm had been avoiding on all occasions, especially when he had no one to comfort him because he knew if he didn't.. the tears wouldn't stop they would just seem to keep flowing until there were none left to shed. 

It was until the moment he looked up from his bed to see Simons sweater on his chair, only problem was he was sad and felt kinda paralyzed like he couldn't get up so he just stared from afar. The ache in his heart from loosing Simon was too much to handle, hadn't he handled things bigger than this? He just needed time to process, to think about if they got into things too fast? were they just not meant to be? why didn't Simon even try to fight like Wilhelm did?


Simon and his mother got back to the White House as he looked around he just couldn't recognize it as Home,Texas was his mom and always would be.. but then again he'd met a new version of himself that was still learning to accept his sexuality and that things would get hard at times. 

Thinking was making his head hurt, everything over the course of a couple of hours had been completely destroyed for both him and Wilhelm. He decided to go inside and grab not a glass but a bottle of wine and head upstairs to his room where he found Sara waiting for him, She had left early with Molly since the situation got out of hand.

'What are you doing up here?' He asks 'Yes I slept with the prince, and then I kissed the prince goodbye in his room' he says to her 'Can you just let me drink in peace please?' 

Sara looks 'Since when do you drink the entire bottle Simon? Come on don't turn into dad I already lost one of you just let me have 1' she told him 

Simon looks back to her 'Don't even go there' he says and looks around then put the bottle down 'I woke up thinking today would be like any other day, but instead I lost Wilhelm after he tried fighting for me.. I straight up just broke up with him instead of confessing my feelings for him in front of someone who always said she would be okay with what I choose in life and would support me.' he tears up and sits down putting his head in his hands. 

She sighs and sits next to him 'I know he made you happy' she says and places a hand on his back and lays her head on his shoulder and stayed quiet for a few moments before speaking again 'I haven't seen you as happy as I see you even when you just look at him, its like you lost something 20 years ago and finally found that special something. But your special someone in this case he will come back to you, I'm sure you will find your way back to each other if you two still have strong feelings for one another' 

He sits there and listens to her, he wanted to agree with her he really did but it just seemed like the most difficult task he'd ever been given. He did this to himself didn't he?  so he needs to figure out how to deal with what he did wrong but for now he didn't know how to. Simon scooted back and lays down closing his eyes 'Can I just be alone please?' 

Sara nods as she gets up from her brothers bed, walking to his desk slowly picking up the bottle of wine she would let him be upset but she wasn't gonna let him drink his feelings away at least not under her watch. She then left the room closing the door behind her. 


Wilhelm had been laying in his room on his bed, for what seemed like hours or days but it had only been a very short time. 

June had knocked on his door opening it 'Hey I just heard what happened earlier, are you okay?' he asks 

'Okay?' he asks her and stayed where he was 'No June today I tried to fight for someone who I thought loved me back, but I ended up getting broken up with so no I'm not okay!' he yells tearing up 'Just get out please.' 

She breathes and nods 'Okay' she says and left the room. 

(Yeahhhh so that happened, I feel like this was some of my best writing.. did you guys like it? I feel like there might be some broken hearts tonight

- Danielle)

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