Chapter 19:

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"The Christmas party"

Simon and Wilhelm had been hanging out most of the afternoon, not once did they leave each others sides which was pretty much expected.

The Christmas party started soon and they needed to get an outfit change, since the outfits they were wearing weren't for the occasion, Wilhelm lays his head on Simon 'My mom pre planned our outfits.. she's been so nice its weird' he says 

He smiles and runs his fingers through Wille's hair 'Well I'm glad that you and her are getting along.. it's been a while since I've seen you so happy' Simon told him happily 

Wilhelm nods 'Well it feels really good to be as well..' he says and kissed his hand 'But seriously we need to get ready so you get undressed and I'll go grab your tux' 

Simon smiles 'Yes sir' he says and gets up 

He went to go get their suits making sure to close the door before leaving. He came back a couple of minutes later with a clothing rack that had both there suits on it 'Here they are!' he smiles.

'These are very fancy' he says 'Please tell me yours is the black one' 

Wilhelm smiles 'Yes it is, I know how much you love me in the black suits so I made sure to request that' he says and kissed him softly 

Simon nods 'You've got that correct' he says before kissing back and going to get dressed his included a purple dress shirt that was Lacey and showed some skin, then he had a black blazer to go over it with matching pants, and black dress shoes. He then walks out of the bathroom shocked 

'I know you look hot' he says and smiled 

He giggles and nods 'I know right!' he says 'I haven't felt this confident in so long, thank you'

Wilhelm looks 'Oh that was all my moms ideas, she chose the outfits I only saw them for the first time a week ago' he giggles and walks over wrapping his arms around his waist 'But I'm glad you feel confident that makes me happy to hear' he told him and kissed his head.

'Me too' he smiles 'And I also missed you so fucking much' he says 'No more going a month without each other' he says 

He smiles 'I missed you to, and I agree' he says and went into the bathroom to get changed 'Your staying for Christmas Eve to right?' he asks and peeps his head out 

Simon looks over and nods 'Yes we leave either tomorrow night or Christmas morning' he says 

Wilhelm smiled and nods 'Okay' he says and closed the door again getting dressed for his suit instead of the purple dress shirt he had a white but other than that they matched he came out 'And surprise! we match besides the dress shirt'

He smiled over to him 'Loveeee you look incredible and very sexy if I might add' he says and kissed him 'I also missed doing that'

'So do you my love' he says then kissed back softly 'I missed that too' 

Simon nods 'Alright as much as I'd love to stay here and continue talking to you and kissing you we have to get downstairs 

Wilhelm breathes 'Okay let's go' he says and held his hand out 

He takes his hand 'If you feel anxious tell me.. I'll be there with you the entire time okay?' 

'I know' he says 'Thank you..' 

Simon smiled 'Your welcome, now come on my prince we have a party to attend' he says 

Wilhelm nods and smiles walking to the door with him and they walked down as a lot of people had arrived 

The queen looks 'Go introduce yourselves, and say hi okay?' she asks 

They nod 'Okay' they say and go to say hi and introduce themselves to the people they had not met before'


In the next couple of hours they continued talking to the usual people that came to these parties.

Simon takes Wilhelms hand and leans over and kissed his cheek 'May I steal the crowned prince fo a dance?' he asks 

The person nods and walks to go and get a drink 

Wilhelm smiled and takes his hand softly bringing him over to dance wrapping his arms around his waist 

Simon smiled as he did, and wraps his arms around his neck softly 'I just saved your ass, better thank me later' he whispers to him 

He smiled 'I'm tired though' he says and kissed his head 'Tomorrow morning before you leave' he says 

He nods and leans to his ear and whispers 'Love we really need to stop planning out our sex life' he giggles and kissed his cheek 'If your tired then we don't have to do anything tonight alright?' he asks and smiles 

Wilhelm smiles and nods 'Okay' he says as they danced slowly and people started to leave 'I'm gonna head upstairs..' he said 

Simon nodded and kissed his head 'You okay?' he asks 

'Yeah I'm just tired, come upstairs when you can' he says and started walking up to his room and changed before getting into bed 

Simon came upstairs after changing, and lays next to Wilhelm 'Somethings bothering you.' he says and wraps his arm around him 

Wilhelm smiled and kissed his head softly 'Nothings wrong, I'm tired I get grumpy when I'm sleepy' 

'Aww is my baby sleepy?' he asks and kissed him 

He nods 'Yes he is, so lets sleep' he says after kissing back

Simon smiles and nods and slowly fell asleep as Wilhelm did 


Wilhelm woke up and was watching a movie, his head was laying on Simons chest and he was covered by his fuzzy blue blanket 

Simon woke up to Wilhelm with his head laying on him and smiled 'Morning my love' he told him and kissed his head 

He looks up at him and smiled 'Good morning' he says and lays his head back down so they were face to face 'What time do you leave?' 

'My mom texted me she said we leave tomorrow morning' he says 'So I get one more day with you' he smiled.

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