Chapter 10:

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"avoiding and trying to solve our problems"

!! Warning there is mention and use of drugs in the following chapter, proceed if you okay with reading !!

The next couple of weeks after the break up between the prince of Sweden and the presidents son hadn't been pretty, people were starting to wonder why they hadn't gotten any pictures.. anything from either one of them. In all reality Wilhelm and Simon were not on speaking terms at all, at least not yet.

Simon had token a lot of time to think because what he did wasn't like himself, since when had he ever pushed Wilhelm away? Being in a presidential family had changed him and he didn't like the change he saw, the only change he liked was when Wilhelm came into his life. Ever since loosing Wilhelm its like someone tore off a piece of him and its been missing ever since and he needed a way to figure out how to re find it.


Wilhelm hardly had been himself since the break up it was killing him not knowing if Simon was okay pr what was going on in his life every time Simon got the chance to tell him, but now his phone was silenced not a single notification from that one person even though he didn't want it anyways. 

His sisters had tried talking to him about it but every time that they tried to Wilhelm shut the conversation down, he didn't wanna talk about his problems because no one ever seemed to care much about them.. he knew his sisters cared he just didn't wanna share everything that happened, especially with an intimate like the ones they shared.. was that so horrible of him?


Simon tried reaching out to Wilhelm after they took some time, he thought maybe it would help to just text for now.. even maybe Wilhelms not mad at him? He didn't know how to start the text so he just started typing what his mind could scramble together.



Wilhelm look I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you  like I did 


So I fight for you, but you straight up end things with me? got it, bye Simon. 


I love you okay? I don't know why I treated you like such crap back there at the castle 


Simon its not what you said that makes me so mad at you, I'm gonna say it once and once only so listen closely.. You broke up with me because our moms pressured you into doing so, instead of just fighting for our right to be together you broke up with me. Hear that? You. You broke up with me Simon


And I'm sorry for that everyone was yelling and then I got involved and .. I don't know what happened but I  do know I regret it.


I understand that but I think its best if we just keep it like this, keep. being friends and thats it.


Wilhelm put his phone down putting his head in his hands as tears fell.. now what? its not like their moms would ever let them get back together right? He was tired of pretending that he was a straight person because he wasn't, he was very much bi sexual and just wanted to be with Simon but knew that couldn't happen. 

Soon enough he found himself locked in his bathroom with a bottle of pills in his hand sitting there debating back and forth whether what he was about to do would be worth it, he felt tears fill his eyes as they slowly fell down his cheeks. Wilhelm opened the bottle pouring a pile of them into his hand staring at them for a few moments before swallowing them all. It was only a few minutes before Wilhelm had lost consciousness falling to the floor.

June had came to Wilhelms room room not seeing him 'Wilhelm..' she says and looks around started getting concerned walking around then saw his bathroom light starting to bang on the door getting no response 'Mom!' she yells from upstairs 'Help!' 

 Katherine came running up 'June what's all the screaming about?' she asks as she saw the bathroom door open then saw Wilhelm inside 'Oh my god' She says and pulls her phone out calling 911

She sits o the floor with Wilhelm in her arms 'Don't die now please Wilhelm' she says in tears not wanting to loose her brother she heard Sirens as she called Simon panicking 

Simon picks up 'Hey June is everything okay?' he asks a bit concerned since it was late at night

June tries to find words to say 'Wilhelm tried to kill himself' she finally manages to get out of her mouth 'He took an overdose on pills, I don't know if you wanna come to the hospital I just wanted to tell you incase you did'

The energy dropped from his face 'I'll be on the next flight out, hey everything is gonna be okay June I promise you.' He tells her 'I'll see you soon stay with Wille' he says before hanging up.

June nods and stood there for a few moments before following them out to the ambulance as they went to the hospital 


Simon had arrived to the hospital a little while later and finally found out where Wilhelm was getting there seeing his parents in the room with Wilhelm on a vent 'Oh my god' he says in tears from outside 

(To be continued.... hiiiiii soooo yeah another not so happy chapter we will see what happens next

- Danielle)

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