🤷‍♀️ april 22, 2020 / may 26, 2020: smiling, walking and various thoughts 🤷‍♀️

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TW: discussions of body/face image

There's not much to be said about these entries. I'm just in a way grateful they still exist, to be honest.

There's no particular theme for them, really, which is why I'm combining two entries into one chapter. Also because I've been really busy and hadn't had time to write on the weekends.

I'm trying again to find some remotely interesting entries, but it's like this is bookworm-Instagram and you want to share a fictional life or highlights of your own life.

Then I wonder why the more melodramatic/angsty side of writing exists on this site.

I say all this knowing full well that I don't have an Instagram account, because
a) I don't have time or energy,
b) what would I post,
c) I've only seen beautiful things from my limited exposure of Instagram, such as old friends' profile pics but I'm worried about the negative/harmful effects IG would have on me, since anyway I get a bit jumpy over the number of reads I'm getting here even though sometimes I don't care,
d) my face keeps breaking out. There's a pimple on the right side of my temple right now, and my skin is as dry as a desert wasteland,
e) I already play the Sims, in which I've portrayed myself as thinner than I am (especially since quarantine) and I don't think Sims have acne, so...

*sigh* 🤷‍♀️

Sometimes I think I look nice? Like if I shower at night and I wake up the next day and my hair is just all wavy and curly which adds more volume to my layers. Or if my cheeks look particularly gaunt and my lips are moisturized.

Other times, and it's often when I smile, I don't look great when I see myself in the mirror. Other peoples' smiles are beautiful—with their teeth showing nicely. Their mouths form a sort of half-moon shape, with the curve facing downwards. My mouth just sort of... opens?

You... you know, like this?

(I'm not saying Toothless isn't cute, but you know what I mean

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(I'm not saying Toothless isn't cute, but you know what I mean.)

I can see my gums when I smile. It's fricking weird. And I can't smile without my teeth showing—it just enhances the fullness of my cheeks, and I don't like that. And my mouth is naturally downturned!

(Ugh, Kang Sae-byeok could never. I mean, look at her. She's gorgeous.)

Anyway, here are the entries

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Anyway, here are the entries. Of course, locations are redacted.

 Of course, locations are redacted

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(The Crest of Almire is a really good shield that comes from an MMORPG called Spiral Knights

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(The Crest of Almire is a really good shield that comes from an MMORPG called Spiral Knights. I still play it to this day, and even though the dev team has basically abandoned it, I still find it fun. I'm on a discord server with some other players, and we do raids in the Shadow Lair regularly.)

Yes, you can tell that none of the entries relate to smiling. I just had the thought pop up into my head as I was eating breakfast.

Again; there's no particular theme to these ones, and I'll search for more interesting entries that I can find later on. Hopefully that won't be too hard.

But, boy oh boy...

This thing is gonna explode when I get to March 2021.

Stay tuned.

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