Chapter 3: A Working Husband.

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I've always pictured Lan Zhan staying by my side, needing me, guzzling me down like melted candy. But once he was dragged back to work my perfect colourful married life turned into an old black and white movie with subtitles. *Sighs dramatically* Those were trying times.

~Chapter 3~

The first day Lan Wangji put on his suit, fixed his tie and took up his briefcase like an old businessman, Wei Ying smiled and wished him luck with a fine kiss on the cheek. Not to mention how sexy his husband's ass looked in those grey pants. Wei Ying made sure to take pictures of it as souvenirs for when the day grows lonely.

Lan Wangji phoned his wife as soon as he settled into his office right across from Xichen's. The staff held a small welcome party in his name and he, in turn, burdened them with more paperwork. For some workers, the inevitable ice age had returned while the older staff believed law and order will be restored.

"How's the married man coping?" Xichen flashed by in an hour or two. Wangji gave him a faint smile, saying he would rather be napping on his wife's laps. "I should give him a call," he suddenly felt how much he missed his spouse.

"Didnt you speak to brother in law just a while ago?" Xichen asked.

"He said he was going to take a nap, he should be awake now," Lan Wangji screened through his contacts.

"Must be nice to love and be loved. Alright, but don't stay too long, the meeting starts in ten minutes," Xichen reminded him before getting out of the way.

Didnt take two beeps for Wei Ying to pick up the phone. The 'hellos' and 'I miss yous' were short-lived but Wei Ying assured his spouse everything was fine. "Huaisang and I are going shopping, I'll see you at four," Wei Ying kissed him through the phone and hung up. That evening Wangji came home way past his bedtime. "Sorry my love, the meeting took ages," Wangji pecked him on the cheek before heading for the shower.

As the weeks went by, the workload became dense and Lan Wangji's routine of giving his wife all the attention in the world became hard to maintain. Being the perfectionist he was, Wangji worked his ass off, missing more than just dinner sometimes. Wei Ying chose to be understanding in the beginning but the problems thickened when that also hampered their intimacy. Now that he had developed the taste for being touched, his husband didn't even have the time.

"Jie, I only see him when he's leaving for work or going to bed. These days he won't even wake me up when he's leaving. It's getting lonelier in that big house. To make matters worse Lan Wangji's phone calls during lunch has stopped coming in," Wei Ying lamented to his sister over the phone.

"My poor A'Xian, have you tried talking to brother in law about this?"

"I can't Jie, it's only been two months, I dont want to sound needy."

" I understand how you feel. I faced the same hardship after getting married. Zixuan could go for weeks without coming home... That was until I discovered the power of lunchboxes. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach," Yanli laughed on the other line.

'Pfft, not Lan Zhan,' Wei Ying resisted the urge to laugh along as Yanli gave him a pep talk. "It was a good excuse to spend time with Zixuan when he gets swallowed in work. Make your husband's lunch and take it to him yourself."

"But I'm still a terrible cook, Jie," Wei Ying felt suffocated.

"Doesn't really matter if someone else does the cooking. Just help out a little or package it yourself. As long as you're the one feeding it to him, it's all good," Yanli encouraged.

"Hmm, thanks Jie. Kiss my nephew for me."

"Anything for my baby brother," Yanli signed off with her iconic pampering. It was up to Wei Ying to fix things in the end.

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