Chapter 5: Baby Blues

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Wei Wuxian P.O.V

Kids are a blessing and you know because the moment they land on earth it's nothing but bliss. Everything they do is priceless and adorable. I remember seeing my nephew for the first time. I literally cried at how cute and chubby his cheeks were. Jiang Cheng and I would argue about who gets to hold him or change his 'widdle' diaper when his limp of a father was not around. Oh, such glorious times. 

An older Jin Ling, however, was a whole different ball game.

(Read with one eye open :-) )

                                                     ***Chapter 5***

It was a week before Jin Ling's seventh birthday and everyone was busy searching for gifts. For some like Jiang Cheng and Madam Yu who were readily adored by the boy, it was easy. But others had to try harder. 

Yanli had it soft planning for Jin Ling's previous birthdays because Grandma always came to the rescue. Unfortunately, this year was going to be different. Madam Yu caught the flu and had to be on bed rest. Jin Zixuan was no help when it came to well, anything. To top it off, he would be out of the country for two weeks and make it just in time for the party. So everything sat on Yanli's lap.  

Thus another superhero volunteered to help.

"A'Xian, are you sure you can handle this?" Yanli worried for her brother after hours of shopping for party supplies and standing in long queues. "Don't worry Jie, I'm only dehydrated," Wei Ying reaches for the bottled water tucked between two bags. November 21 was nine days away and they still had a lot to do. 

Wei Ying got to see more of his nephew now that he spent most of his time with Yanli. His nephew, on the other side of the coin, was not stoked about it. 

 "Hey kiddo, you've been indoors since you got back from school. Wanna play with your uncle outside?" Wei Ying was not big on video games. Back in the day, he enjoyed beating Jiang Cheng at football or just wrestling outside in the mud. To see Jin Ling's eyes plastered to a screen at all times was painful to watch. 

"Not interested," Jin Ling would rather sit in the comfort of his playroom and wait for supper.

"Come on, it can't be that bad. How about a game of tag? You're not too old for that, are you?" Wei Ying's smile always brightened around his nephew. But his heart breaks a little when Rulan gears his neck at the exit and yells out, "Mum! He is bothering me again."

"He? Hahaha, what do you mean he, I'm your Uncle." 

"And I don't want to listen to you brag about that," Jin Ling kept on clicking the gamepad.

"Pfft! What? Where is this coming from?" Wei Ying folded his arms, awestruck as he peers at his nephew. Jiang Yanli walked in, and her son did not mind repeating himself. Jin Ling never knew his sweet mother could be strict on him then. She turned off the game and excommunicated him to his room.

"Pay no attention to him, A'Xian," Yanli gets close to Wei Ying to apologize for the boy's behaviour. 

"I know I'm not Jiang Cheng, but does he have to rub it in? I blame that husband of yours for jinxing my nephew with his arrogant genes. Aish I'm so pissed."

Yanli smiled sweetly, cupping her brother's refined face. "You're supposed to be angry at Jin Ling, not Zixuan."

"So now you're also going to take his side?" Wei Ying scowled. Yanli laughed, "Of course not. You're my baby brother, I'd take your side any day. Don't be mad okay?" She squished that loveable face. 

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