Chapter 15 : The past is haunting me

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Time after time, Riki has gotten into trouble for unintentionally hurting his classmates. Although he was better, there were many instances he forgot that pain was not a form of love and thank you. He tried staying strong, staying to what he knows. But nowadays, he can hold himself back from hurting his classmates with the help of remembering his friend, Sunoo’s words.

However, this day was completely off. Riki accidentally offended a classmate by spilling water onto his device during recess. He punched Riki and told his friends to join in. Riki, on the ground, curled up clenching onto his hurting stomach, getting kicked by a bunch of teenagers. A classmate ran out to look for a teacher to stop them, while the other classmates stayed back to watch the show. Some of the closer friends to the classmate were cheering him on while some looked at Riki with sympathy.

Fortunately, the teacher was able to come in before Riki was too badly injured, sending the group of friends to see their discipline master, informing their and Riki’s parents to come to the school for a visit.

Riki, with several bruises on his arms, legs, and body, attempted to hold back but he couldn’t, he broke down remembering this was how his biological parents used to treat him when they were upset. Hurting physically and emotionally, he ran out to the distant and usually empty bathroom of the school. Curled up in a corner of the bathroom, he reflected on his biological parents’ way of abusing him. He thought of the times when they would beat him up, inflict pain, authority, and fear into him, the biasness he was treating with. He couldn’t take it, all these memories will be too much for an adult, much less a young boy like Riki.

“It’s not fair. It’s not fair.” He kept repeating to himself while punching the walls of the restroom.

His parents who created him gave him life, treated him poorly. He didn’t deserve this.

Although it was not loud, Jungwon, who was passing by was able to hear the punches.

“Hey! Stop! What’s wrong!” Jungwon said as he opened the door and approached a tearful Riki, who was punching the walls with his red and swollen fist.

“It’s nothing,” Riki said while trying to get away.

But with Jungwon defending the door, he couldn’t leave.
“Please, Riki. Stop that, what’s wrong?” asked the older.

“I said it’s nothing!” Riki exclaimed, taking Jungwon aback. He didn't think this soft and calm boy he met during orientation was capable of shouting.

“Oh okay…” Jungwon although unsure of what to do, refuses to allow Riki to leave. He wants to know what the problem was and wants to help the younger.

Jungwon stayed with Riki, trying hard to calm him down. Even though it took a while and it was long past their recess time, Jungwon, the future president of the student council, stayed with him throughout. The action made Riki feel that Jungwon can be trusted.

Riki, less tearful, leans onto the shoulder of Jungwon who was sitting right next to him.

“I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you everything.”

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