Does Poem Exist In The Alternate World?

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Does poem exist in the alternate world? 

If it is, what might it be? 

Is it still poem, a kind of literature as we define it? 

Or maybe they have another portrait of it. 

Maybe in the alternate world, poem isn't describe as a noun but an action word 

Maybe poem to them means 'to kill' and the person who commits the act is define not as a killer but a poet 

How ironic that in our world, great poems written by excellent poets expresses injustice.

Maybe in the alternate world, poem is a creature with a dreadful form—a monster 

Maybe it has sharp claws that it uses to hunt preys in towns 

Or maybe it is something that lurking within your mind 

That stops you from achieving great things and we call it here, fear.

Maybe to them 'poem' is a taboo or something that conservatives sensors and considered against their moral 

You have to be liberated first to express poem freely 

Maybe it's their way of reproducing themselves; a mating, an intercourse 

How lovely to say this to your partner "Let's have poem."

Maybe in the alternate world, poem is their medium of exchange or means of payment 

I wonder if it also sounds like 'cha-ching' 

I wonder if it can buy me love, loyalty, integrity, good friends or wisdom 

I wonder how nice would it be to deposit a lot of poem in the bank, just at least in the alternate world.

Maybe to them 'poem' is an expression, an emotional state 

Maybe it's a selfless act, a warm attachment, an expression towards someone special or whatever depictions that is closer to something crazy 

Maybe it can be a way of showing an affection or maybe it can be an endearment 

Maybe in the alternate world I would call you, my poem.

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