Chapter 8: Don't Ph34r the Reaper

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While the Red were standing in front of the Tank who was looking them.

Grif then asked a question to Simmons.

Grif: Why is it just sitting there?

Simmons: Just trying to mess with our heads. Let's get back to the Warthog.

With Sheila HUD view.

Sheila: This tank is equipped with an auto-fire sequence that can be activated by pressing the auto-fire button.

Caboose: Auto-fire, auto-fire, here, here! No, wait... okay, that's more a switch than a button...

Sheila: This will end the tutorial, and should only be activated if proper safety procedures-

Back with Simmons and Grif

Simmons: Okay, you ready? Let's do this on three. One...

Grif: Wait. On three? Or three and then go?

Simmons: On three. It's always faster to go on three.

Grif: Okay, okay. On three.

Caboose then tries to find the switch.

Caboose: Here! (click)

Sheila: Tutorial deactivated. Auto-fire sequence activated.

Simmons: Ready?

Sheila: Acquiring target.

Church then said that he was going to be going for the jeep.

Simmons: One...

Grif then slowly and quietly begins to back away from Simmons.

Sheila tracker then begin to track Grif.

Grif: (panting heavily) Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit...

Simmons: Two...

Sheila manages to get a lock on Grif.

Sheila: Target locked.

Simmons: Three! (turns around and sees Grif running away) Oh, you back-stabbing cock bite!

Sheila: Firing main cannon.

Sheila then fire a round hitting the warthog instead of Grif.

Simmons: (crouches next to Sheila) Son of a bitch!

Cut to Grif.


Cut to Church.

Church: (near the explosion) Son of a bitch!

Sheila: Firing main cannon.

Simmons: Shit!

Sheila fires.

Simmons: Son of a bitch! God...

Sheila: Firing main cannon.

Simmons: ...dammit!

Sheila fires.

Sheila: Firing main cannon. (fires)

Cut to Church running back up to meet Tucker.

Tucker: Hey dude, the jeep blew up.

Church: No kidding. Thanks for the update, Tucker.

Cut to Grif and Simmons hiding behind a rock.

Sheila: Firing main cannon. (fires, hits the rock)

Simmons: (mocking Grif) Hey, I have a GREAT idea. Let's get out of the jeep and sneak around the back of the rock.

Sheila: Firing main cannon. (fires, hits the rock)

Simmons: Great plan, you idiot!

Cut to Sheila's HUD looking over the rock.

Sheila: All targets eliminated. Acquiring new target.

Her crosshair starts panning up and to the left.

With Church and Tucker, Church standing in the open looking down at the tank.

Church: Hey, Tucker, look at this, man - it's the rookie! And he brought tank out to scare off the reds.

Tucker: What? No way!

Church: Hey, rookie! Good job, man! Why didn't you tell us you knew how to drive the tank?

Sheila: New target acquired. (spinning turret around to aim at Church)

Cut to Sheila's HUD, her crosshair slowly panning up the cliffside at Church.

Caboose: That's not a target. That's Church!

Church: Yeah, that's right, it's me, Church! What's going on, man?

Sheila: (locking on to Church) Target locked.

Cut to Caboose in the driver's seat.

Caboose: What!? No! Target unlock! Unlock! Please help me, nice lady!

Cut to Sheila.

Sheila: Firing main cannon.

Cut to Caboose.

Caboose: Uh oh...

Cut to Tucker.

Tucker: Uh oh...

Cut to Church.

Church: What? ..Oh, son of a bi-

Church is shot and launched into the air. His body hits the rock face and lands back on the ledge. Cut to Tucker.

Tucker: Holy fuck! Church, are you okay? Talk to me! Church!

Tucker walked out of his hiding place and is visible on the cliff. In the distance he yells at Caboose.

Tucker: You shot Church, you team-killing fucktard!

Sheila: Auto-fire sequence deactivated.

Church: (dying) Tucker! ...T-Tucker!

Tucker: Church! It's going to be okay, man.

Church: No. Ah... I'm na-I'm not gonna make it. Tucker... there's something I need to tell you.

Tucker: What is it?

Church: I just want you to know.. I always hated you. I always hated you the most.

Tucker: Yeah, I know you did. Now hurry up and die, you prick.

Church: Okay. Herk!...Bleah...

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