Chapter 7

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Spider-man's POV

Ugh, my head...

I lifted my head and noticed I was tied to a chair and i'm in a warehouse...? The memories of last night came flooding back. I was chasing Black Cat and we were ambushed my Kingpin. I whipped my head looking for her. My eyes landed on a slumped body tied to a chair a few feet from me. My body relaxed knowing she was somewhat okay.

"Black Cat?", I whispered bringing my chair towards her, but was stopped when someone grabbed the back of my chair and pulled me back where I started.

Turning around as best as I could I saw a bald man with a smirk on his face. "Boss'll be happy to know you're up"

He then pointed to another man who I didn't even notice was here. "Go tell Boss that Spider-man is awake". The man nodded his head and ran out.

I tried wiggling free from the chair, but stopped when I heard a noise. Looking down at my hands I could see chains wrapped around wrist and feet.

The man laughed making me look towards him. "Boss wanted to make sure you stayed put".

"You know I don't mind bondage, but this was without my consent so i'm not really feeling it", I said to the man.

Lifting his fist he punched me square in the jaw. "Man, i've been wanting to do that since you put me in jail 3 years ago". His punch barely even fazed me. If anything it looked like it hurt him more then me. 

"I didn't ask for your life story", I said annoyed. He went to hit me again, but the front doors slammed open and in came Kingpin.

"Spider-man!", he said a little to eagerly. "Finally your awake! I guess I punched a bit harder than I should've", he chuckled.

I tilted my head. "Willy? You know if you wanted to talk there are more civilized ways to do so besides I think it was those damn tranquilizers you hit me with that kept me out for so long", I said with a sarcastic happy tone.

He cringed at my nickname for him. "I wanted nothing to do with you in the first place, but you got in my way"

"So what we're you trying to do?", I asked genuinely curious.

He smirked and walked towards Black Cat. "Why to take back what's mine"

My blood boiled at how close he was to her."Didn't I already tell you to stay away from her", my teeth gritted.

He stared at me with an amused look before backing away from her and moved towards me. He then leaned down to my height. "If I didn't know any better i'd say you care for Black Cat"

Care for her? No, I'm just trying to protect her. Just like I do with everyone else.

Except no one makes you feel the way she makes you feel, my conscious spoke. No, I'm Spider-man. I'm supposed to care for everyone.

I think back to all our moments together. Whenever we met she sent sparks through my entire body. Her touch, her smell is so intoxicating. I couldn't get enough of it.

Every night I would go out and do extra Spider-man work just hoping that I would see her and the more I saw of her the more I wanted her, longed for her. She completely took over my thoughts and dreams. Anytime she would come near me my heart would race, but I would always push the feeling aside.

During our fights I would take notice of her appearance more often than I'd like to admit. I shook my head from my thoughts. Now isn't the time to think about this.

"Wake her up", Willy told the man on the left of him.

The man walked up to Black Cat and slapped her right across the face. "Wake up, bitch!", he shouted.

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