1. (The Meeting)

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This chapter will be written in both Danielle and Stefania's point of view
Danielle's POV
Danielle woke up from her beauty sleep as one would call it due to her alarm she stirred turning to turn off her alarm. Getting out of bed she started walking towards her bathroom that is connected to her bedroom.she started her morning routine by washing her face and brushing her teeth, after she walked out her bathroom back into her room heading towards her closet.

She picked a pair of light blue jeans, white top, blue blazer and black converse. As she got dressed she headed to her bathroom to do her hair she decided on straightening it and putting it into a bun and did a natural makeup look and started walking towards her kitchen to start her breakfast that consists of a bagel with butter and peanut butter and a strawberry smoothie. As she checked the time it read 7:30 she grabbed her keys and smoothie and headed out the door.

Getting into the car Danielle turned on some music and ironically her own song Who Taught You How To.... came on the radio and she laughed at the irony and pulled out of the drive way and drove to the cafe near the set to get her friends Barrett and Jaina something to eat since she knew that they didn't eat anything cause she knew her friends so well. Ordering their usual she made her way to the set.

Stefania's POV
Stefania woke up to her alarm and stopped it abruptly and let her eyes adjust to the sun piercing through her white curtains. After her eyes adjusted she made her way to her bathroom and put her hair in a mess bun and started washing her face and brushing her teeth. She walked out of her bathroom towards her kitchen to start her breakfast which consists of a scone and an espresso.

After she finished her breakfast she walked back to her bedroom to decide what she would be wearing to work today she decided on a blue top and blue jeans that were cuffed at the bottom. She then decided on some black high top vans and walked to her bathroom to apply light make up.

She grabbed her keys and headed out of her house towards the set which she was nervous for because it was a crossover so there would be people she didn't know there. She pulled into the parking lot of the set and walked in to find her name on the card since it was the beginning of the week it was just a table read.

She was looking around at all the people interacting with one another when she came across a blonde in a blue blazer is all the she could see until they turned their head a little she saw her face and immediately blushed. She sat at her spot looking to see if she recognized any of the names near her but none did.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter this is my first time writing how do you like it so far.

Who do you want to end up sitting next to Stefania other than Danielle.

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