3. (Girls Night)

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General POV.

Danielle and Stefania pulled in the parking lot of the club they were going to be partying at and went to the line to get inside. After about 15 minutes they looked around for Jaina and Barrett and like Danielle suspected they were the first ones there. So they decided to get a booth and waited on Jaina and Barrett to get there. About 20 minutes later Jaina and Barrett walked into the club and spotted the blonde and the brunette. As they sat down Danielle  payed for the first round of drinks they were going to have that night. Another hour later they were all 7 shots in and on the dance floor dancing to some Hispanic music. Although Jaina and Stefania were the only ones who knew what the songs were saying. They music went from Hispanic to Reggaeton.

As the music shifted they were all grinding up against each other. Jaina grinding against Barrett who was grinding against Danielle who was grinding against Stefania. As Danielle was grinding against Stefania she felt hands going towards her hips to cause more friction. After the song finished the song No Games by Serani came on and Jaina started to dirty wind along with Barrett. As Jaina and Barrett were doing that Danielle and Stefania decided to go get some more shots for them. As they were walking there some guy started to pull Stefania towards him without her permission and was trying to get away from him but he wouldn't stop and Danielle noticed that Stefania was not behind her so she looked back and saw what was going on and went up to they guy and tapped his shoulder and right went he turned towards her she punched him. She grabbed Stefania's hand and started to walk back to where Jaina and Barrett were so the could leave the club.

They all decided to go to Danielle's house since it was closer to the club they were at and called a cab since they were all pretty drunk. As they waited for the cab to get there Stefania clung onto Danielle for dear life. Moments later the cab pulled up and they all climbed inside and Danielle pulled Stefania into her lap so she could be closer to her since what had happened back at the club. Stefania didn't mind either that Danielle had put her into her lap because she felt safe knowing that Danielle was there to protect her and they just had meet not even 24 hours ago. Jaina and Barrett were completely and utterly confused on what had happened. They pulled into the Danielle's driveway a couple of minutes later. They all got out of the car and Danielle payed the driver and carried Stefania to the front door and inside to her couch so she can cuddle up to the pillow. As she was about to walk away she held a strong grip on her hand so she couldn't leave.

So Danielle got underneath her and just held her until she was ready to talk about. Danielle was just glad she got to her when she did cause she didn't know what she would have done if anything happened to her. After an hour of Danielle and Stefania being cuddled up on the couch they fell asleep. Jaina came out of Danielle spare bedroom and saw them asleep on the couch and put the blanket on them and smiled because she never saw Danielle click with someone as fast as she did with Stefania. She went to get them some water and an Advil for their head when they woke up in the morning. After that she walked back in the room to get some more sleep. In the next couple of hours later Stefania woke up and was wondering where she was when she felt something around her waist and saw that she was laying on top of Danielle and smiled and nestled herself into Danielle's neck.

What Stefania didn't know was that Danielle was up the entire time she just didn't want to wake Stefania up if she tried to move. They both didn't move until they heard moving in the house. They both moved so fast which caused to make them groan out in pain. The person who came out was Jaina she said You guys don't have to hurry to get up y'all were all cuddly earlier this morning, Danielle you really had a grip on her waist she might have bruises. This caused Danielle to turn bright red and look away nervously. Danielle said I did not, which caused Jaina to show them all the pictures that she took of them on the couch sleeping peacefully in each others arms. Stefania excused herself to the bathroom and no joke she had a little bit of a bruise coming in were Danielle was holding her waist at. 

As Stefania walked out the bathroom she bumped into someone. She was confused because she heard Danielle and Jaina talking in the living room and she was extremely scared. She ran into Danielle's living room and the conversation between the two completely stopped when they saw how scared she looked. Danielle went up to her and embraced her into a hug and let her calm down so she can ask her what happened. I was just in the bathroom and I have bruises but I don't if the came from you having a strong grip on me take make me feel safe or from the guy last night, and then I bumped into someone and they didn't even stop and I was scared because I thought he was able to come back for me.

A/N Damn I left y'all on cliff hanger who did she bump into was Barrett or was it the asshole from last night. You will have to find out next chapter.

Don't worry the bruises are not from the guy it was from Danielle's protective hold on her.

Sorry for taking a long time to update I am high school student shit went down but I am Graduating soon so thing should be calming down until I have to take my finals.

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