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This is a continuation of last Chapter.

Danielle was walking out of her room when she heard talking so she decided to go put her air pods on and act like she was listening to music when in actuality she was using the Live Listening feature since she left on of her air pods in the living room and heard everything they were saying. An hour passed by and Stefania walked out of Danielle's room in a towel after her shower forgetting that there were guests over. At that point all the guys had left so it was not as bad as if she would have come out 20 minutes earlier. Danielle saw her and came up to her in the kitchen and wrapped her arms around her waist. Danielle had to refrain herself from doing anything else since her mom, Jaina and Barrett were still there. Stefania likes to tease Danielle so while she had her stove top espresso and coffee maker she headed towards Danielle's room and slightly raised the towel up some more so Danielle could see her upper thighs.

Jaina and Barrett noticed Danielle's blushing but by the time they caught her line of sight Stefania was already gone. Danielle's mom left minutes later before Stefania walked back out and noticed that she was gone. Danielle saw her confused face and told her she would be back she is going to get some food. Stefania really didn't care what Danielle's mom got her to eat because she gives great suggestions. Danielle walked to her room and Stefania followed after but Danielle didn't notice. Danielle was changing her shirt and she didn't have a bra on, Stefania came up and sucked on her boobs. Stefania pushed Danielle onto her bed and straddled her thighs and started to grind into her. Danielle tried to muffle her moan so no one could hear them. Stefania started to undress herself and Danielle noticed that she was wearing a red lingerie set. Stefania started to take off Danielle's shorts to see that there was nothing underneath, Stefania moved back and saw that she was dripping, É tutto per me Bella, ti ho fatto bagnare. (Is this all for me Bella, did I make you wet.)

This caused Danielle to whimper, because she didn't know what that meant but it turned her on even more. Stefania climbed back into her lap and started to suck on her neck. Danielle told her nothing visible since they still have guest over. Danielle immediately remembered her three date rule and had Stefania stop. This caused Stefania to become extremely upset because she thought that Danielle was egging her on when that wasn't the case at all. After they got there clothes on Stefania immediately ran out of Danielle's room. Danielle ran out following her and grab her wrists so that she couldn't leave so she could talk to her. Stefania wasn't listening she was just yelling at her. The only way for Danielle to get her attention is by kissing her. Danielle then heard someone gasp and remembered that there were people over at her house.

Danielle pulled Stefania over to a secluded area so that they could talk in private and no one can hear. Danielle told Stefania the reason why she pulled away earlier. This made Stefania feel bad because she just jumped to the worst conclusion. Danielle then proceeded to ask Stefania on a date, Stefania said yes. They walked into the living room to wait for Danielle's mom to come back with the food. Moments later Danielle's mom showed up and they all migrated to the kitchen table. Danielle's mom can see that Danielle and Stefania became way closer since she left and turned to where Jaina and Barrett are to find them smirking and they both told her they will tell you later. They all just watched Danielle and Stefania, Danielle then asked who wanted to get in the hot tub. They all agreed so they changed in a separate room but Danielle and Stefania of course since most of her clothes are in Danielle's room. 

They all got ready and headed to the hot tub in Danielle's backyard. They were outside for a while when Jaina noticed that Stefania was tired and got Danielle's attention. Danielle excused herself and picked up Stefania and Stefania automatically wrapped her arms and legs around Danielle. Danielle's hands dropped down to her butt, Danielle took her to her room and helped her change. What Danielle forgot was that her hot tub was right by her room. Before leaving she kissed Stefania on the cheek and made her way back to the hot tub. Danielle was heading back to the hot tub and noticed that they were all smirking at her. She was so confused until she got into the hot tub and saw that they could see into her room and she immediately blushed. Jaina was the first one to speak up and asked how she didn't get flustered when she saw Stefania naked.

Danielle dodged every question even the ones from her mother. Stefania walked out 20 minutes later in the sun dress that Danielle put her in. Danielle noticed that Stefania was trying to get as close as she possibly could so she decided to move everyone inside. Since they were still in the hot tub. Danielle walked to her room and changed her clothes and came out matching Stefania. Danielle jumped on the couch and accidentally landed on Stefania that she yelped. Stefania hit Danielle because she really hurt her. Danielle moved to go get her and Stefania some snacks so when she came back Stefania was sprawled out on the couch so Danielle just laid on top of her. They all eventually fell asleep watching the tv show they decided to binge watch.

A/N: Show the next chapter be there date or a family day with the cast. Let me know.   

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